- DATES: February 9-11, 1968.
- VENUE: Lord Baltimore Hotel, Baltimore, MD

Jack Chalker
- GoH: Samuel R. Delany
- Memories From Mark Owings:
"Balticon 2 sticks in my mind mostly for the attendance of Ted Pauls, who
I think otherwise had not spoken to another fan outside his home in ten
years. There was a Star Trek role-playing game played at night in which one
penalty required the player to proposition Spock. I think the player with the
penalty and the person playing Spock were invariably of the same sex."
- In 2019 we found a con report from a Fanzine known as The Science Fiction Times with issue date of 04/31/1968 that reads...
The second regional Baltimore Science Fiction Conference, held over the weekend of February 9 to 11, drew an attendance of 115 fans and pros. The program Saturday afternoon was based on the theme, “Is There A ‘New Wave’ In SF?” It consisted of a panel with Lin Carter, Alexis Gilliland and Andrew Porter, with Jack Chalker as moderator; a dialogue between Ted White and Roger Zelazny, with Jack Chalker moderating; and a speech by Samuel R. Delany.
The balance of the weekend was devoted to partying and dining. The Baltimore group which sponsored the Conference reported a deficit of $25 for the weekend.
- Balticon 2 Committee & Staff: Unknown, but if you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and look
for it to be published here!!