DATES: April 16 - 18, 1976
VENUE:Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD | Program Book Cover | | Badge Design |
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VENUE: Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD
- GoH:
Isaac Asimov
- Balticon 10 Committee & Staff:
- CHAIR:Charlie Ellis
- Vice-Chair: Judy Kurman
- Treasuer: Dona Simmons
- Art Show: Sue Miller
- Balticar: Pat Kelly
- Dealers Room: Ted Pauls
- Film Contest and Workshop: Don Dohler
- Film Program: Gary Svehla and Bob Haupt
- Hotel Liason: Lee Smoire
- Make-up: Diane Hammon
- Mimeo Room: Ben Miller
- Parties: Rick Neff and Sue Wheeler
- Program Coordinator: Judy Kurman
- Program Book: Steve Miller
- Publications: Mike Kurman
- Publicity: Bill Simmons
- Registrations at Door: Dona Simmons
- Registrations Pre-con: Norman Schwarz
- Security: Tim Daniels
- Short Story Contest: George Andrews and Sue Wheeler
- with... Kathleen Andrews, Shirley Avery, Martin Deusch, Ed Drapkin, Gil Fitzgerald, Kleo Hondros, Holly Horseman, Jim Landau, Don Leifert, Tony Malanowsky, George McAulay, Monica Neff, Mark Owings, Dave Phillips, Larry Reichman, Jacki Stokes, Kim Weston, Miriam Winder, Del Winans and a little help from our friends...
- Balticon 10 Program Book:
Balticon 10 Memories from one fan:
Find out more about Balticon 10 from a fan's point of view.
Balticon 10 Memories from another fan:
Find out more about Balticon 10 from another fan's point of view.
Balticon 10 Memories from someone else:
Find out more about Balticon 10 from yet another fan's point of view.
- Charlie Ellis, the con-chair for Balticon 10 reminds us that firsts for Balticon 10 included ballrooms dedicated to film programs and film contest,
multi-track programming including the science program and donuts and coffee for the attendees on (Easter) Sunday mornings starting precisely at 10:17-1/2 .
- Balticon 10 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and
look for it to be published here!!