DATES: April 13 - 15, 1979
VENUE:Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD | Program Book Cover | | Badge Design |
 |  | |  |
- GoH: Poul Anderson
- CHAIR: Sue Wheeler
- Balticon 13 Committee & Staff:
- Art Show: Rick Jacobs
- Auctioneer: Jack Chalker et. al.
- Baltibus: Pat Kelly
- Bartender: Tom Joll
- Films: Gary Svehla & Charlie Ellis
- Game Rooms: Pat Kelly
- Guest Liason: Gregor Hamilton
- Hotel Liason: Phyllis Kramer
- Huckster Room: Cathy Lydick
- Information: Lee Smoire
- Mimeo Room: Somtow Sucharitkul
- Program Book:
- Editor: Bill Simmons
- Layout: Bill Simmons & Rick Jacobs
- Programming: Marty Gear
- Publicity: Charlie Ellis
- Radio Room: Dave Easter
- Registration:
- Advance: Edie Williams
- At the door: Shirley Avery & Martin Deutsch
- Security: Steve Davidson & Leo Sands
- Treasurer: Edie Williams
Balticon 13 Program Book:
Thanks to Jim Houser for furnishing this info:
"As for attribution ...geez I would hate to risk being Noticed by the SMOF, so you if you decide
to mention me, just use "House" which is what pretty much everyone I would have seen at a Balticon
would call me anyway. :-)
Balticon 13 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and look
for it to be published here!!