DATES: April 4 - 6, 1980
VENUE:Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD | Program Book Cover | | Badge Design |
 |  | | ![Balticon 14 Badge lost to time, if you have a copy email dale@bsfs.org]() |
- GoH:
Algis Budrys & Sean Spacher
- GoH: Poul Anderson
- CHAIR: Bill Simmons/Edie Williams
- VICE CHAIR and Operations: Michael Walsh
- Assistant to the Vice Chair: Lee Smoire
- Balticon 14 Committee & Staff:
- Treasurer: Miriam Winder
- Advance Registration: Sue Wheeler
- On-site Registration: Shirley Avery and Martin Deutsch
- Art Show: Rick (Rikk) Jacobs
- Art Show Assitants: Jim Wible and Barry Zeiger
- Special Guest Auctioneer: Jack Chalker
- BaltiBus and Science Programming: Pat Kelly
- Programming: Dave (Charlie) Ellis
- Con Suite: Tom Joll
- Guest Liaison: Eva Whitley and Marty Gear
- Hotel Liaison: Phyllis Kramer
- Gopher Control: Sue Wheeler
- Security: Leo Sands
- Mimeo Room: Steve Dolan
- Dealers Room: Kathy Sands
- Film Programming: Gary Svehla
- Blood Drive: Buffy Garrett
- Friday Night Costume Call: Marty Gear
- Video Tape Archives: Bill Simmons
- Press Services: Elaine Mandell and Simon
- Program Book: Steve Miller/Aracelli Karri, Inc.
- Program Book Cover: Sharon Dunnock
- Easter Wake-up Party: Shirley Avery and Martin Deutsch
- Bibliographer: Mark Owings
- Special Assistance:
- Joe Mayhew
- Scott Dennis
- Barbara Wheeler
- Baltimore in 80 Committee
- Golden Radio Buffs of Md., Inc.
- This committee list furnished by: Balticon 37 GoH Steve Miller.
- Balticon 14 Program Book:
- Balticon 14 Memories? If you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and look
for it to be published here!!