DATES: April 1 - 3, 1988
VENUE:Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD | Program Book Cover | | Badge Design |
 |  | |  |
- GoH:
Spider Robinson
- ART GoH:
Tom Kidd
Thomas T. Thomas (Wren)
- CHAIR: Larry Schroeder
- VICE CHAIR: Jul Owings
Christopher Hinz
- Balticon 22 Committee & Staff:
- Vice Chair: Jul Owings
- Treasuer: Shirley Avery
- Art Show: Martin Deutsch & Shirley Avery
- Auctions: Joe Mayhew
- Auctioneers: Tom Schaad & Joe Mayhew
- Triage: Barry Zeiger
- Staff: Larry Proksch & Winton Mathews
- Masquerade: Marty Gear
- Backstage: Bobby Gear
- Stage Manager: Tish Wells
- Sound: Ron Robinson
- Lighting: Midnight Sun Lighting
- Video: Rick Albertson, Geoff Yates
- Photo: Linda Sweeting
- Registration:
- Pat Hammer
- Pam Osborne
- Nancy Handwork
- K. Harkins
- Judges:
- Melissa Scott
- Charles Sheffield
- Ricky Dick
- Programming: Jul Owings
- Literary: Edie Williams
- Art: Rikk Jacobs
- Science: Dale Arnold
- Con: Joe Mayhew
- Children's: Anna Kueberth
- Staff:
- Ruth Drexler
- Cheryl Lloyd
- Bill Mayhew
- Film: Mark Owings
- Staff:
- Amy Paul
- Russell Bowers
- Scott Barger
- Kathi Overton
- Computers:
Hal Haag
- Entertainment: Curt Harpold
- Gaming: Anna Kueberth
- Staff:
- Joe Cassaly
- Jim Petrie
- John Moultrie
- BalRoG
- Bardic Circle: Nova Odinwaller Gregg
- Trivia: Brick Barrientos
- Operations: Sue Wheeler
- Assistant Heads:
- Sue Abramovitz
- Bobby Gear
- Night Ops: Ray Stevens
- Staff Headquarters: Chris Lubs
- Information Desk: Steve Lubs
- Dealers Room: Kathy Sands
- Guest Liaison: Betty Bowers
- Hotel Liaison: Phyllis Kramer
- Technical Services: Rick Albertson
- Coordinator: Fred Bauer
- Program A/V: Karl Ginter
- Main Program: Carl Zwanzig
- SFX: Geoff Yates
- Con Services:
- Advance Registration:
- Ray Galacci
Hal Haag
- Ellen Wildman
- Dave Cutlip
- Rosemary McMunn
- On Site Registration:
- Computer Services:
Hal Haag
- Publicity: Laura Szita
- Press Relations (at Con): Elizabeth Rosenburg Bowers
- Babysitting:
- Green Room: Pat Kelly
- Logistics (at Con): Dan Hoey
- Staff:
- Dick Roepke
- Helgi "Elladan" Dagsson
- Advance Procurement: David Odinwaller
- Con Suite: Amanda Allen
- Staff:
- Susan Raleigh
- Jack Frost
- Betsy Marks
- Dennis & Linda Glasser
- Ginger & Paul Hammer
- Publications:
- Souvenir Booklet: Joe Mayhew
- Advertising: Michael J. Walsh
- Pocket Program: Marty Gear
- Con Badge: Joe Mayhew
- Balticon 22 Program Book:
- Thanks to Jim Houser for furnishing this info:
"As for attribution ...geez I would hate to risk being Noticed by the SMOF, so you if you decide to mention me, just use "House" which is what pretty much everyone I would have seen at a Balticon would call me anyway. :-)
- Balticon 22 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org"
and look for it to be published here!!
