DATES: April 13 - 15, 1990
VENUE: Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD | Program Book Cover | | Badge Design |
 |  | |  |
- Honored Guest:
Robin McKinley
- Honored Guest: Charles Lang & Wendy Snow Lang
Elizabeth Moon
- CHAIR: Sue Wheeler
Hal Haag
Josepha Sherman
The Shining Falcon
- Balticon 24 Committee & Staff:
- Administrative Group: (Reports to Chair)
- Art Show:
- Martin Deutsch
- Shirley Avery
- At-Con Press Relations: Irv Koch
- Babysitting: Rhi Denissen
- Computer Services: CISC, Richard Butler
- Con Logistics/Supplies: Dan Hoey & Dave Cutlip
- Con Suite: Jack Frost & Amanda Allen
- Dealer's Room: Larry Sands
- Green Room: Joe Mayhew
- Assistants:
- Chris Callahan
- Dick Roepke
- Peggy Rae Pavlat
- Mike Zipser
- Beth Zipser
- Anne Williams
- Paul Parsons
- Tom Schaad
- Guest Liaison: Betty Bowers
- Assistant Guest Liaison:Jul Owings
- Hotel Liaison: Chris Lubs
- Assistant Hotel Liaison:Edith Lentz
- Information Desk: Edie Williams
- Masquerade: Marty Gear & The Costumer's Guild
- Masquerade Taping: Marty Gear & Conventional Magic
- Operations: George Clark
- Party Coordinator: Steve Fetheroff
- Pre-Registration: Phyllis Kramer
- Slaves:
- Lee Anne Dinkin
- Rosemary McMunn
- Kerry Schneider
- Printing: Rhi Denissen
- Registration: CISC, Richard Butler
- Souvenir Book: Michael J. Walsh
- Technical Services: Larry Schroeder
- Program Group: (Reports to Vice Chair)
- Programming Coordinator:
- Pre Convention: Sue (Who) Schroeder
- At Convention: Matthew Taylor
- Track Managers:
- Art: Rikk Jacobs
- Children's: Claudia Bosworth
- Computer Gaming:
- Computer Guild:
- Ron McCormick
- Chris Zach
- Bill Sears
Hal Haag
- Don Barr
- Costume: Bobby Gear
- Filking: Mark Schleifer & Jenny Sparenberg
- Films: Mark Owings
- Gaming: Gamers League of Baltimore's Elite (GLOBE), Keith Metz & Evan Haag
- Literary: Sue (Who) Schroeder & Matthew Taylor
- Science: Dale Arnold, National Space Society
- Video: Alice Wells
- Writer's Workshop: Steve Lubs
- Pocket Program: Larry Schroeder
- Staff ID Badges:
Hal Haag
- Vintage Ballroom Dancing: Diane Donaldson & Andy Jewell
- Contests:
- Computer Programming: Computer Guild
- Eye of Argon: Susan Cohen
- Short (Amateur) Film: Lisa Horowitz
- Trivia Contest: Brick Barrientos
- Balticon 24 Program Book:
- Balticon 24 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and
look for it to be published here!!
