DATES: March 29 - 31, 1991
VENUE: Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD | Program Book Cover | | Badge Design |
 |  | |  |
- GoH:
Nancy Kress
- ART GoH:
Thomas Canty
- Filk GoH:
Kathy Mar
Josepha Sherman
Hal Haag
- VICE CHAIR: Mark Owings
Michael F. Flynn
In the Country of the Blind
- Balticon 25 Committee & Staff:
- Hotel Liaison: Chris Lubs & Jeanne Maas
- Operations: George Clark
- Night Operations: Mark Schleifer
- Pre-Registration:
- Phyllis Kramer
- Brian Alexander
- Lee Anne Dinkin
- Rosemary McMunn
- Registration/Computer Services: TET, Richard Butler
- Sales Booth: Irv Koch & Allan Lane
- Con Suite: Jack Frost & Amanda Allen
- Con Logistics/Supplies: Dan Hoey & Dave Cutlip
- Souvenir Book: Mike Walsh & Jeff Olhoeft
- Technical Services: Carl Zwanzig
- Art Show:
- Martin Deutsch
- Shirley Avery
- Barry Zeiger
- and many wonderful others
- Masquerade: Marty Gear, The Costumer's Guild
- Masquerade Taping: Marty Gear & Carl Zwanzig
- Dealer's Room: Larry Sands
- Blood Drive: Lou Takach
- Babysitting: Rhi Denissen
- Information Desk: Sue Wheeler
- Computer Gaming: Ron McCormick, Computer Guild
- Gaming: Mark Geary, GLOBE
- Interactive Fiction: David Wood, Mike Young
- Programming Coordinator: Jul Owings
- Guest Liaison: Betty Bowers
- Pro Recruiter: Judith Tarr
- Green Room: Perrianne Lurie
- Track Manager: Literary: Steve Lubs
- Track Manager: Science: Dale Arnold, National Space Society
- Track Manager: Art: Joe Mayhew & Bob Walters
- Writer's Workshop: Steve Lubs
- Film: Mark Owings
- Video: Alice Wells
- Traditional Bardic Circle: Athelstan
- Filking: Lindy Sears & Steve Zeve
- Costume: Bobby Gear
- Hall Costume Awards: The Hall Costume Illuminati
- Children's Programming: Claudia Bosworth & Deborah A. Murphy
- Vintage Ballroom Dancing: Diane Donaldson & Andy Jewell
- Volunteer Love Slave Service: Colette Fozard
- Short Video Tape: Saavik
- Trivia Contest: Brick Barrientos
- Eye of Argon: Susan Cohen
- Young Adult Writing Contest: Sue Wheeler
- Balticon 25 Program Book:
1) The GoH
Nancy Kress, & the Con Chair,
Hal Haag
, cut the anniversary cake with matching swords.
2) The Con Chair gets a pie in the face just before the Masquerade!!
(This was NOT planned by him.)
- Balticon 25 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and
look for it to be published here!!
