DATES: April 17 - 19, 1992
VENUE: Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD | Program Book Cover | | Badge Design |
 |  | |  |
- GoHs: The first 10 winners of the Compton Crook Award
- FEATURED ARTIST: Guy Frechette
- CHAIR: Mark Owings
- VICE CHAIR: Jeff Olhoeft
Carol Severance
- Balticon 26 Staff:
- Treasurer: Shirley Avery
- Secretary: Thomas McMullan (a.k.a "Thomas the Black")
- Dealer's Room: Pam Banner
- Hotel Liaison: Sue Wheeler
- Assistant Hotel Liaison: Jack Frost
- Pre-Registration:
Hal Haag
- Phyllis Kramer
- Lee Anne Dinkin
- Rosemary McMunn,
- Tom Hormon
- Registration: Richard Butler, TETech
- Souvenir Book:
Hal Haag
- Pocket Program: Carl Zwanzig
- Operations: George Clark
- Night Ops: Mark Schleifer
- Logistics: Brian Alexander, David Cutlip & Miracle Max
- Green Room: Perrianne Lurie
- Con Suite: Jack Frost
- Babysitting: Lisa & Robert Ashton
- Art Show:
- Martin Deutsch
- B. Shirley Avery
- the Wandering East Coast Art Show Crew
- Filking: Lindy Sears & the Dandelion Conspiracy
- Masquerade:
- Marty Gear
- Bobby Gear
- The Costumer's Guild
- the Wandering East Coast Tech Crew
- Programming Coordinator: Jul Owings
- Guest Liaison: Betty Bowers
- Track Manager: Rosie Falcon
- Real Science: Dale Arnold & the Baltimore Metro NSS
- Art Demos: Ray Ridenour
- Fannish Fashion Show: Fran Freedman, Tess Kissinger
- Children's Programming: Claudia Bosworth
- Gaming Czar:
Hal Haag
- RPG Gaming: GLOBE
- Computer Gaming: Bill Sears & the Computer Guild
- Live Role Playing: [72 hours] Raven Darkstarr & Dirt Poor Productions
- Video: Dale Arnold by arrangement with LIVE Entertainment
- Film: Amy Paul & Barbara Jungk
- Benefit Concert: Clam Chowder (yes, really!)
- Balticon Postal Station: United States Post Office
- Blood Drive: International Red Cross
- Balticon 26 Program Book:
- Balticon 26 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and
look for it to be published here!!
