DATES: April 1 - 3, 1994
VENUE: Hyatt Regency Hotel, Baltimore, MD | Program Book Cover | | Badge Design |
 |  | |  |
- GoH:
Mercedes Lackey
- ART GoH: Larry Dixon
- FILK GoH: Duane Elms
- FAN GoH: Sue Wheeler
- SPECIAL GUEST: Fredrik Pohl
Holly Lisle
- CHAIR: Betty Bowers
- VICE CHAIR: Thomas McMullan (a.k.a "Thomas the Black")
Mary Rosenblum
The Drylands
- Balticon 28 Committee and Staff:
- Con Chair Consorts:
- Magnum Load
- Old Man Winter
- Quick Draw
- Slow Shooter
- Slammer Dan
- The Wild Man
- Joy Boy 1
- Joy Boy 2
- Round
- Stumpy
- Dipstick
- Crankshaft
- Frick
- Frack
- Scrooge
- Marley
- Hermes
- Loki
- Eros
- Cupid
- Mars
- Vulcan
- Compton Crook Award: Mark Owings & BSFS
- Treasurer: Shirley Avery
- Secretary: Thomas the Black
- Guest Liaison: Anne Allen
- Hotel Liaison: Phyllis Kramer & Marty Gear
- Registration:
- Lee Anne Dinkin (a.k.a. Hannah Lee)
- Rosemary McMunn
- Sue "Who" Shroeder
- Computer Consultant: Richard Butler, TET
Hal Haag
- Publicity: Thomas the Black, Paul Loeschke
- Berzerker King: Thomas Hormon (AKA Thomas the Red)
- Dealer's Room: Larry Sands
- Programming Designer: Jul Owings
- Programming Coordinator: Brian Alexander
- Programming Assistant: Jack Caplan
- Literary Track: Jul Owings
- Costuming Track: Marty Gear, Bobby Gear
- Filk Track: Steve Zeve, Jeff Olhoeft
- Children's Program: Claudia Bosworth
- Mass in Alt. Universe: Terilee Edwards-Hewitt & The 3rd Order of St. Michael
- Science Track: Dale Arnold
- Art Track: Joe Mayhew
- Fannish Fashion Show: Fran Freedman
- Writer's Workshop: Steve Lubs
- Young Writer's Contest: Sue Wheeler
- Art Show:
- Chairs: Martin Deutsch, B. Shirley Avery
- Print Shop:
V. M. Wyman
- Auctioneers: Eric J. Fleisher (Dr. Gandalf), Rikk Jacobs, Tom Schaad
- Face & Body Painting: Guy Frechette, Lissane Lake
- Airbrush Demo: Guy Frechette
- Masquerade: Marty Gear, Bobby Gear, & The Costumer's Guild
- Masquerade Break: Joe Mayhew & Cast of "Gossip"
- Technical Services: Carl Zwanzig
- Tech Co-Ordinator: Larry Schroeder
- Hall Costume Awards:
Hal Haag
- Robert Kiser
- Eileen Shavitz
- Dayne Gentry
- Gaming Czar:
Hal Haag
- Role-Playing Gaming: Mark Geary
- Ray Drummond
- Phil Lee
- Sean Lang
- Ed Kramer
- Harry Entrekan
- Will Hopson
- Dave Frank
- Barb Kramer
- Computer Gaming: Chris Zach & the Computer Guild
- Live Action Role Playing: Kitty Jensen & The Zone Staff
- Magic Tournament: Scott Buckwalter
- Media Program:
- Video: Dale Arnold
- Film Program: Mark Owings
- Anime Video Program: The Otakon Committee
- Video Contest: Paul Loeschke, Amy Paul
- Operations:
- Day: Brian Alexander,
Hal Haag
- Night: Mark Schleifer & Donald Horvath
- Party Co-Ordinator: Quinn Jones
- Green Room: Perrianne Lurie
- Con Suite: Terelynn Marks, Ray Snyder
- Logistics: Colette Fozard (AKA Glette Forard), Thomas Hormon
- Babysitting: Lisa Ashton & crew
- Information Desk: Ray Galacci
fanac.org 1994 Balticon Photos
- Balticon 28 Program Book:
- Balticon 28 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and
look for it to be published here!!
