DATE: April 22 - 23, 2000
VENUE: Omni Inner Harbor Hotel, Baltimore, MD | Program Book Cover | | Badge Design |
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- GoH: Octavia Butler
Link #1,
Link #2
- ART GoH: Wendy Pini
- Musical GOHs: T.J. and Mitchell Burnside-Clapp
- Editor GoH: Richard Pini
- FAN Artist GoH: Stephen Stiles
- Special Juggling Guest: TBA
- CHAIR: Lee Anne Dinkin
Hal Haag
James Stoddard
Burns, Stephen L.
Flesh and Silver
- Balticon 34 Committee & Staff:
- Con Chair Groupie: Wildcat
- Treasurer: B. Shirley Avery
- Compton Crook Award: Mark Owings & BSFS Crook Award Jury
- Programming Coordinator: Jul Owings
- Programming Committee: Jack Caplan, Cara Sands, Bob Thompson
- Art Program: Rikk Jacobs
- Children's Program: Miriam Winder-Kelly
- Costuming Program: Betsy Delaney
- Filk Program: Steven Zeve
- Masquerade: Marty Gear & The Costumer's Guild
- Masquerade Green Room: Bobby Gear
- Tech Support:
- Director: Marc Gordon
- Light Designer: Fran Felix
- Sound Designer: Art "Boots" Coleman
- Stage + Aux Services: David Siber
- Tech Wrangler: Firecat
- Masquerade Stage Manager: Larry Schroeder
- Staff: Techno Fandom
- Playwright: Andrew Bergstrom
- Poetry Program: Patty Kinlock
- Science Program: Dale Arnold
- Writer's Workshop: Steve Lubs
- Young Writers Contest: Bobby Gear
- Anime: Andrew Iwancio, Gavin Schmitt
- Art Show: Martin Deutsch, Shirley Avery, & the Incredible Floating East Coast Art Show Crew
- Auctioneers: Eric Fleischer (Dr. Gandalf)
- Costume Display: Andrew Bergstrom
- Computer Gaming Room: Chris (CZ) Zach
- Con Suite: Anne & Dave Dearholt
- Dance Manager: Thomas J. Summerville
- Dealer's Room: Larry Sands
- Gaming Room: David Chalker
- Video Room: Thomas the "Red" Horman
- Guest Liaison: Anne Allen
- Guest Liaison Emeritus: Betty Bowers
- Hotel Liaison: Dale Arnold
- Party Coordinator: Dale Arnold & Colette Fozard
- RIF Coordinator: Colette Fozard
- RIF Auctioneer: Eric Fleischer (Dr. Gandalf)
- Green Room: Perrianne Lurie
- Masquerade Green Room: Bobby Gear
Hal Haag & Patti Kinlock
- Publicity: Paul Loeschke
- Pocket Program: Craig Forbes
- Con Ops: Sue Wheeler
- Night Ops: Colette Fozard
- Pre-Con Gofer Recruitment: Seth Rosenberg, Ruth Schoonover
- At-Con Gofers: Dan Hoey
- Pre-Con Logistics/Supplies: Thomas the "Red" Horman
- At-Con Logistics: Doug Creamer
- Pre-Con Registration: Lee Anne Dinkin, Gretchen Forbes
- At-Con Registration: Brian Alexander
- Kamikaze Computer Services: Mark Schleifer, Craig Forbes
- Hall Costume Awards: Lisa Ashton & the Hall Costume Illuminati
Balticon 34 Web Page:
Tim Clapin
- Information Desk: Ray "Yarrm" Gallaci
- Balticon 34 Program Book:
- Balticon 34 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and
look for it to be published here!!
