VENUE: Wyndham Inner Harbor Hotel, Baltimore, MD | Program Book Cover | | Badge Design |
 |  | |  |
- DATE: May 23 - 26, 2003
- GoH: Steve Miller & Sharon Lee
- ART GoH: Omar and Sheila Rayyan
- FILK GoH: Steve Macdonald
- CHAIR: Sue Wheeler
- VICE CHAIR: Dale Arnold
Alien Taste
2003 COMPTON CROOK WINNER: Patricia Bray
Devlin's Luck
- Balticon 37 Committee & Staff:
- Treasurer: B. Shirley Avery
- Compton Crook Award: Mark Owings & BSFS Crook Award Jury
- Programming Designer: Jul Owings
- Programming Coordinator: Jeff Olhoeft
- Deputy Programming Coordinator: Greg Wright
- Literary Program: Jul Owings
- Art Program: Halla Fleischer
- Children's Program: Miriam Winder-Kelly
- Costuming Program: Bobby Gear
- Filk Program: Steven Zeve
- Poetry Program: Patti Kinlock
- Science Program: Pat Kelly
- Masquerade: Marty Gear & The Costumer's Guild
- Masquerade Green Room: Bobby Gear
- The Play:
- Writer's Workshop: Steve Lubs
- Young Writers Contest: Bobby Gear
- Anime: Andrew Iwancio
- Art Show: the Incredible Floating East Coast Art Show Crew
- Chancellor: Martin Deutsch
- Queen: B. Shirley Avery
- Auctioneers: Eric Fleischer (Dr. Gandalf)
- Fan Gallery Display: Chaz Baden
- Tech Support:
- Director: Marc Gordon
- Light Designer: Liz Orenstein
- Sound Designer: Allon Stern
- Deputy for Sound: Hobbit
- Master Electrician: Art "Boots" Coleman
- Clam Chowder Sound: Alex Latzko
- Masquerade Stage Manager: TBA
- Technical Crew: Techno Fandom
- Gaming:
- Gaming Room: David Chalker
- Computer Gaming Room: Paul Fischer
- Con Suite: Eva Whitley
- Dealer's Room: Larry Sands
- Video Room: Thomas "the Red" Horman
- Guest Liaison: Dan "Renfield" Corcoran
- Hotel Liaison: Dale Arnold
- Party Coordinator: Liz Lewis
- Reading Is Fundamental (RIF):
- RIF Coordinator:
- RIF Auctioneers: Eric Fleischer (Dr. Gandalf)
- Green Room: Perrianne Lurie
- Masquerade Green Room: Bobby Gear
- HALL Costume Awards:
Hal 9000 & the OPS Crew
- BSFAN: Patti Kinlock
- Publicity: Glenn McLaughlin
- Pocket Program: Craig Forbes
- Daily Rocket News:
Hal Haag
- Pre-Con Logistics/Supplies: Thomas "the Red" Horman
- Operations Coordiator: Seth Rosenberg
- Night Ops: Paul O'Neil
- Volunteers: Jonette Butler
- Registration: Lee Anne Dinkin
- Kamikaze Computer Services: Mark Schleifer, Craig Forbes
- Balticon Web Page: Tim Clapin
- Information Desk: Ray "Yarrm" Gallaci
- Signage: Marty Gear & Seth Rosenberg
- Blood Drive: Robert Heinlein Society & International Red Cross
Link to Balticon 37 Hall Costume Contest Photos
Link to Balticon 37 Lego Contest Photos
- Balticon 37 Program Book:
- Inspiration: A poem by Dale Arnold
Running Balticon is like:
Using wet noodles to herd cats through the legs of Buffalo
who are stampeding through a minefield full of catnip,
after the buffalo have been set on fire at night by a UFO,
as you keep your eyes closed because those are the rules,
and you are being graded on style without a curve.
- Balticon 37 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and
look for it to be published here!!
