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- DATE: May 27 - 30, 2005
- GoH: Steven Barnes & Tananarive Due
- ART GoH: Bob Eggleton
- FILK GoH: Jordin Kare
- CHAIR: Nora Wright
E. E. Knight
- 2004 COMPTON CROOK BOOK: Way of the Wolf
Tamara Siler Jones
- 2005 COMPTON CROOK BOOK: Ghosts in the Snow
- Balticon 39 Committee & Staff:
- Treasurer: B. Shirley Avery
- Compton Crook Award: Mark Owings & BSFS Crook Award Jury
- Programming Committee: Various People
- Programming Coordination Maven: Greg Wright
- Assistant Program Coordinator: Sue Wheeler
- Literary Program Designer: Jul Owings
- Poetry Track: Patti Kinlock
- Live Theater Coordinator: Dan Corcoran aka "Renfield"
- Filk Track: Steven Joel Zeve
- Art Program: Halla Fleischer
- Costume Program: Bobby Gear
- Children's Program: Miriam Winder-Kelly
- Children's Program "Understudy": Ruth Boehme
- Science Program Scheduler: Miriam Winder-Kelly
- Science Program Operations: Paul Loeschke
- Science Program Assistant: Dana Carson, Ed Germoth
- Computer Room: George Martsoukos & The Baltimore Gamers Alliance
- Anime: Rob Chase
- Video Room: Thomas Horman
- Writer's Workshop: Steve Lubs
- Young Writers Contest: Bobby Gear
- Operational Coordination: Seth Rosenberg
- Day Operations: Ann-Marie Young
- Night Operations: Christine Larson
- Tech Director: Marc Gordon
- HALL Costume Awards:
Hal Haag (a.k.a. "Hal 9000")
- Dance: Greg Wright
- Gaming: David Chalker
- LARP: Andy Grunwell & Miriam Steiner-Brown
- Masquerade: Marty Gear
- Masquerade Green Room: Bobby Gear
- Art Show Queen: B. Shirley Avery
- Art Show Chancellor: Martin Deutsch
- Art Auctioneer: Eric Fleischer (Dr. Gandalf)
- Joe Mayhew Phan Artist Award:
Hal Haag (a.k.a. "Hal 9000")
- Dealer's Room: Larry Sands
- Fan Tables Guy:
Hal Haag
- Con Suite: Ann Rudolph
- Registration/Computer Services: Mark Schleifer & Craig Forbes
- Registration: Brian Alexander
- Purchasing: Thomas Horman aka "Thomas The Red"
- Logistics: Brad Ackerman
- Volunteer Coordinator: Jonette Butler
- Hotel Liaison: Dale Arnold
- Party Coordinator: Liz Lewis
- RIF Coordinator: Kelly Shannon Pierce
- RIF Auctioneer: Eric Fleischer (Dr. Gandalf)
- RIF Liaison: Marty Gear
- Program Participant's Green Room: Eileen Shaivitz
- Publicity: Glenn McLaughlin
- Pocket Program: Craig Forbes
- BSFAN Editor: Patti Kinlock
- GOH Liaison: Maura Scharadin
- Gift Basket: Kathy Kasprzak
- Webmaster: Nora Wright
- Daily Rocket News:
Hal Haag
- Blood Drive:
Robert Heinlein Society & International Red Cross
- Patti Kinlock's Balticon 39 Photos link:
Link to Balticon 39 Hall Costume Contest Photos
- Balticon 39 Program Book:
- Inspiration: A poem by Dale Arnold
Running Balticon is like:
Using wet noodles to herd cats through the legs of Buffalo
who are stampeding through a minefield full of catnip,
after the buffalo have been set on fire at night by a UFO,
as you keep your eyes closed because those are the rules,
and you are being graded on style without a curve.
- Balticon 39 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and
look for it to be published here!!

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The Baltimore Science Fiction
Society, Inc.

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Created on bsfs.org - 01/24/2003
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BSFS Banner by Ed Edman
Version HH-05 - 06/28/2019 |
"Hugo Award", "Worldcon", and "NASFiC" are service marks of the
World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary association.
"Balticon" is a service mark of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Inc. |