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- DATE: May 26 - 29, 2006
- GoH: Neil Gaiman
- Special GoH: Gene Wolfe
- ART GoH: Lisa Snellings-Clark
- Music GoH: Lorraine a' Malena
- CHAIR: Nora Wright
Tamara Siler Jones
- 2005 COMPTON CROOK BOOK: Ghost in the Snow
Maria Snyder
- 2006 COMPTON CROOK BOOK:Poison Study
- Balticon 40 Committee & Staff:
- Anime Room: Robert M. Chase
- Art Show Queen: Shirley Avery
- Art Show Chancellor: Martin Deutsch
- Art Show Auctioneer: Eric “Dr. Gandalf” Fleischer
- Phan Artist Award: Hal Haag
- BSFan Editor: Patti Kinlock
- Children’s Program Precon Set-up: Miriam Winder-Kelly
- Children’s Program At-Con Supervision: Anna Kueberth
- Video Game Room: George Martsoukos & Baltimore Gamers Alliance
- Con-Suite: Eva Whitley
- Dealers Room: Larry Sands
- Fan Tables/Artist Alley: Glenn McLaughlin
- Filk Program: “Gorgeous” Gary Ehrlich
- Gaming: David Chalker
- Guest Liaison: Nora Wright/Various People
- At-Con Guest Liaisons: Laura Mann, Kristina Gray, Glenn McLaughlin, Sonya Bleakly & Rebecca Bushong-Taylor
- Hall Costume Awards: Donna Dearborn
- Hospitality: Ann Rudolph
- Hotel Liaison: Dale Arnold
- Information Desk: Donna Dearborn & Ray Galacci
- LARP: Miriam Steiner
- Live Theater Coordinator: Dan “Renfield” Corcoran
- Masquerade: Marty Gear
- Masquerade Green Room: Cindy Shockey
- Balticon Command Central Head: Keith Mayfield
- Balticon Command Central Assistant Head: Doug Creamer
- Program Operations: Anne-Marie Young
- BCC Shift Operations: Christine Larson
- Mids (3rd shift) Operations: Alex Antonakos
- Party Coordinator: Liz Lewis
- Pocket Program: Nora Wright
- Poetry Program: Patti Kinlock
- Program Coordinator: Greg Wright
- Assistant Program Coordinator: Sue Wheeler
- Literary Program Designer: Jul Owings
- Literary Program Schedule: Mark Owings
- Program Participants Green Room: Perrianne Lurie
- Publicity: Glenn McLaughlin
- Purchasing: Thomas Horman
- Registration: Brian Alexander
- Registration Assistants: Lee Anne Dinkin & Megan Allen
- Kamikaze Computer Services: Mark Schleifer, Craig Forbes, Dan Brashler & Megan Schleifer
- RIF Coordinator: Kelly Shannon Pierce
- RIF Auctioneer: Eric “Dr. Gandalf” Fleischer
- RIF Liaison: Marty Gear
- Art Program: Halla Fleischer
- Science Program: Paul Loeschke & Dana Carson
- Science Program Scheduler: Miriam Winder-Kelly
- Tech Director: Marc Gordon
- Treasurer: Shirley Avery
- Video Room: Thomas Horman
- Volunteer Coordinator: Jonette Butler
- Webmaster: Nora Wright
- Writers Workshop: Steve Lubs
- Young Writers Contest: Marty Gear & Miriam Winder-Kelly
- Sunday Film Festival: Dale Arnold
- Klingon Feast: Brad Graper
- Rocket Mail: Hal Haag
- New Media Ninja (Podcasting): Paul Fischer
- Tchotchke Tchair: Patti Kinlock
- Patti Kinlock's Balticon 40 Photos link:
Link to Balticon 40 Hall Costume Contest Photos
- Balticon 40 Program Book:
- Balticon 40 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and
look for it to be published here!!

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The Baltimore Science Fiction
Society, Inc.

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Created on bsfs.org - 6/24/2006
all maintenance is performed by:
"webmeister at bsfs dot org"
BSFS Banner by Ed Edman
Version HH-06 - 6/27/2019 |
"Hugo Award", "Worldcon", and "NASFiC" are service marks of the
World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary association.
"Balticon" is a service mark of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Inc. |