- DATE: May 23 - 26, 2008
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- GoH: Connie Willis
- Ghost of Honor: Douglas Adams
- ART GoH: John Jude Palencar
- Music GoH: Urban Tapastry
- CHAIR: Greg Wright
- VICE CHAIR: Greg Wright
Naomi Novik
- 2007 COMPTON CROOK BOOK: His Majesty's Dragon
Mark L. Van Name
- 2008 COMPTON CROOK BOOK:One Jump Ahead
- Balticon 42 Committee & Staff:
- Chair: Greg Wright
- Convention Vice-Chair: Misha Field
- Conchair Minder: Lee Anne Dinkin
- Program Coordinators: Sue Wheeler, Anne-Marie Young
- Anime Room: Robert M. Chase
- Art Program: Halla Fleischer
- Art Program Assistant: Eric “Dr. Gandalf” Fleischer
- Art Show Chancellor: Martin Deutsch
- Art Show Queen: Shirley Avery
- Art Show Auctioneer: Eric “Dr. Gandalf” Fleischer
- Children’s Program Scheduler: Miriam Winder-Kelly
- Con-suite: Leigh Eirich, Pete Eirich
- Filk Program: "Gorgeous" Gary Ehrlich
- Gaming Program: Kory Kaese
- Tabletop Gaming Room: Hal Haag
- Guest of Honor Liason Coordinator: Dan Guy Fowlkes
- GOH Liasons: Miranda Mason, Linda Taggart, Glen Seymour, Adrenne Reynolds, Telsla Aldrich, Gary Ehrlich.
- Hall Costume Awards: Brian Butler
- Dealers Room: Larry Sands, Kathy Kasprzak
- Hotel Liason: Colette H. Fozard
- Information Desk: Ray Galacci
- Kamikaze Computer Services: Mark Schleifer, Craig Forbes, Jay Forbes, Dan Brashler, Megan Schleifer
- LARP: Miriam "Emi" Steiner
- Literary/Fanish Program: Jul Owings, mark Owings
- Jack L. Chalker Young Writers Contest: Marty Gear, Miriam Winder-Kelly, Alexandra A. Kelly
- Poetry Program and Contest: Patti Kinlock
- Writers Workshop: Steve Lubs
- Live Theater Coordinator: Dan "Renfield" Corcoran
- Logistics: Glenn McLaughlin
- Truck Loadmaster: Martin Deutsch
- Masquerade: Marty Gear
- Masquerade Green Room: Cindy Shockey
- New & Popular Media Ninja: Paul Fisher
- New & Popular Media Assistants: Paul FisherHarknell, Onezumi, Fred Wolke
- Balticon Podcast: Paul Fisher, Martha Holloway
- Operations Commander: Greg Wright
- Party Coordinator: Liz Lewis
- Phan Artist Award: Helen "Halla" Fleischer
- Program Participants greenroom: Perrianne Lurie
- Publications Coordinator: Patti Kinlock
- BSFAN Editor: Patti Kinlock
- Flyers: Nora Wright, Patti Kinlock
- Pocket Program: Anne-Marie Young
- Rocket Mail Editor: Brian Butler
- Raffle Basket: Kathy Kasprzak
- Registration Coordinator: Brian Alexander
- Assistant Registration Coordinator: Lee Anne Dinkin
- Registration Assistant: Megan Allen
- RIF Auction Coordinator: Kelly Shannon Pierce
- Assistant RIF Coordinator: Jim Wilmering
- RIF Auctioneer: Eric "Dr. Gandalf" Fleischer
- RIF Liaison: Jim Wilmering
- Science Program Tech: Paul Loeschke
- Science Program Scheduler: Miriam Winder-Kelly
- Special needs Coordinator: Ellen Montgomery
- Sponsorship Coordinator: Kory Kaese
- Sunday Night Short Film Fest Coordinator: Jonette Butler
- Assistant Sunday Night Short Film Fest Coordinator: Lance Oszko
- Tchotchke Tchair(Sales Table): Patti Kinlock
- Promotional and Event DVDs: Eric "Dr. Gandalf" Fleischer
- Tech Director: Michael Rafferty
- Tech Logistics: Lee Morey
- Treasurer: Shirley Avery
- Video Room: Thomas "the Red" Horman
- Volunteer Coordinator: Jonette Butler
- Website Design: Nora Wright
- Webmaster: Eric "Hymie" Hymnowitz
Balticon 42 Program Book:
- Balticon 42 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and
look for it to be published here!!

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The Baltimore Science Fiction
Society, Inc.

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Created on bsfs.org - 5/30/2008
all maintenance is performed by:
"webmeister at bsfs dot org"
BSFS Banner by Ed Edman
Version DA-02 - 6/27/2019 |
"Hugo Award", "Worldcon", and "NASFiC" are service marks of the
World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary association.
"Balticon" is a service mark of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Inc. |