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DATE: May 23 - 31, 2010
GoH: Tanya Huff
Fan Ghost of Honor: Hal Haag
ART GoH: Howard Tayler
Music GoH:
Science GoH: Dr. Thomas Holtz Jr.
CHAIR: Steven Joel Zeve
VICE CHAIR: Jonette Butler
Paul Melko
2009 COMPTON CROOK BOOK: Singularity's Ring
Paolo Bacigalupi
The Windup Girl
Balticon 44 Committee & Staff:
- Balticon 44 Chair: Steven Joel Zeve
- Balticon 44 Vice-Chair: Jonette Butler
- Balticon Treasurer: Shirley Avery
- Anime Room: Rob Chase
- Anime Room Staff: Ray Snyder
- Art Program: Helen “Halla” Fleischer
- Art Program Tech Manager: Eric “Dr. Gandalf” Fleischer
- Art Show Villainess: Nora Wright
- Art Show Auctioneer: Eric “Dr. Gandalf” Fleischer
- Art Show Chancellor: Martin Deutsch
- Art Show Queen Emeritus: Shirley Avery
- Artist Alley: Liz Lewis
- Phan Artist Award: Helen “Halla” Fleischer
- Charity Auction Coordinator: Kelly Shannon Pierce
- Asst. Charity Auction Coordinator: Jim Wilmering
- Charity Auction Auctioneer: Eric “Dr Gandalf” Fleischer
- Books for Kids Liaison: Marty Gear
- Children’s Program: Miriam Winder-Kelly
- Children’s Program #2: Eta Hack
- Children’s Program Assts.: Eta Hack, Sue Bowen, The Banes of Balticon
- Compton Crook Committee Chair: Melody Malecki
- Con-Suite: Leigh Eirich
- Fan Tables: Liz Lewis
- Filk & Other Musical Mayhem: “Gorgeous” Gary Ehrlich
- Film Festival Director/Coordinator: Jonette Butler
- Asst. Film Festival Coordinator: Lance Oszko
- Hal Haag Memorial Game Room: Donna Dearborn
- Game Room Assistant: Michelle Hymowitz
- Gaming Program: Kory Kaese, Games Club of MD
- Guest of Honor Liaison Coordinator: Adrienne Reynolds
- Guest of Honor Liaisons: Barry Newton, Miranda Mason, Linda Taggart, Glen Seymour, Tesla Aldrich, Gary Ehrlich
- Hall Costume Awards: Brian Butler
- Hotel Liaison: Ann Marie Rudolph
- Hotel Liaison Staff: Dale Arnold, Art Blumberg, Peter Eirich
- Hotel Negotiator: Peter Eirich
- Head Hucksters (Dealers’ Room): Larry Sands, Kathy Kasprzak
- Information Desk: Ray Galacci
- Kamikaze Computer Services: Mark Schleifer, Craig Forbes, Jay Forbes, Dan Brashler, Megan Schleifer, Elspeth Dodge, Jay Clark
- LARP: Miriam “Emi” Steiner
- Loadmaster: Martin Deutsch
- Logistics: Brian Butler
- Masquerade: Marty Gear
- Masquerade Green Room: Cindy Shockey
- New & Popular Media Ninja: Paul Fischer
- New & Popular Media Assistants: Harknell, Onezumi, Fred Wolke
- Balticon Podcast: Paul Fischer, Martha Holloway
- Operations & Security Cmdr.: Greg Wright
- Operations & Security Lt. Cmdr.: Moria Trent
- Party Coordinator: Liz Lewis
- Poetry Workshop/Poetry Contest: Patti Kinlock
- Poetry Contest Judges 2010: Patti Kinlock, Vonnie Winslow Crist, Wendy Hellier Stevens, Jim Richmond
- Program Coordinator: Sue Wheeler
- Program Staff: Jonette Butler, Anne-Marie Young
- Program Track Head Emeritus/Idea Generator: Jul Owings
- Literary & Fannish Program Track Head: Jonette Butler
- Program Participants’ Green Room: Perrianne Lurie
- Public Relations Coordinator: Jonette Butler
- Promotional and Event DVDs: Eric “Dr. Gandalf” Fleischer
- Publications Coordinator: Patti Kinlock
- BSFAN Editor: Patti Kinlock
- Flyers: Patti Kinlock, Nora Wright
- Pocket Program: Anne-Marie Young
- Rocket Mail Editor: Anne-Marie Young
- Raffle Basket: Kathy Kasprzak
- Registration Coordinator: Brian Alexander
- Asst. Registration Coordinator: Lee Anne Dinkin
- Registration Assistant: Megan Allen
- Registration Computer Services: Mark Schleifer
- Science Program Scheduling: Miriam Winder-Kelly
- Science Program Tech: Paul Loeschke
- Science Program Tech Staff: Paul Loeschke, Ed Germroth, Dale Arnold, Dana Carson
- Special Needs Coordinator: Paul O’Neil
- Sponsorships Coordinators: Melody Malecki, Jonette Butler
- Tchotchke Tchair (Sales Table): Patti Kinlock
- Technical Director: Eric Gasior
- Assistant Technical Director: Michael Rafferty
- Light Designer: David Silber
- Sound Designer: Allon Stern
- Video (Tech): Eric “Dr. Gandalf” Fleischer
- Masquerade Caller: Larry Schroeder
- Masquerade Setup: The dozens or so of others behind the scenes. With special thanks to Jim Housell & Persis Thorndike.
- Video Room: Thomas “The Red” Horman
- Volunteer Coordinators: Jonette Butler, Brian Butler
- Webmaster: Nora Wright
- Assistant Webmasters: Jonette Butler, Eric “Hymie” Hymowitz
- Writers’ Workshop: Steve Lubs
Balticon 44 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and
look for it to be published here!!

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Society, Inc.

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Version DA-04 - 6/26/2019 |
"Hugo Award", "Worldcon", and "NASFiC" are service marks of the
World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary association.
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