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DATE: May 25 - 28, 2012
GoH: Jody Lynn Nye
ART GoH: Jim Odbert
Music GoH: Heather Dale and Ben Deschamps
Science Guest of Honor: Dr. William D. Phillips, Laureate, The Nobel Prize in Physics 1997
Ghost of Honor: Robert L. Asprin
Fan Ghost of Honor: Richard L. Butler
New Media Guest of Honor: Philippa Ballantine
CHAIR: Patti Kinlock
VICE CHAIR: Patti Kinlock
James Knapp
2011 COMPTON CROOK BOOK: State of Decay
T. C. McCarthy
Balticon 46 Committee & Staff:
- Balticon 46 Chair: Patti Kinlock
- Balticon 46: Chair Patti Kinlock
- Balticon Treasurer: Shirley Avery
- Anime Room Coordinator: Kathreja Sarfati
- Art Program: Jonette Butler
- Art Program Tech Manager: Eric “Dr. Gandalf ” Fleischer
- Art Show Villainess: Nora Echeverria
- Art Show Auctioneer: Eric “Dr. Gandalf ” Fleischer
- Art Show Chancellor: Martin Deutsch
- Art Show Queen Emeritus: Shirley Avery
- Artist Alley: Tristan Alexander
- Charity Auction Coordinator: Kelly Shannon Pierce
- Assistant Charity Auction Coordinator: Jim Wilmering
- Charity Auction Auctioneer: Eric “Dr Gandalf ” Fleischer
- Books for Kids Liaison: Marty Gear
- Children’s Program Coordinators: Eta Hack, Miriam Winder-Kelly
- Children’s Program Assistants: Sue Bowen, The Banes of Balticon
- Compton Crook Administration Committee: Jonette Butler, Donna Dearborn, Nora Echeverria
- Kamikaze Computer Services: Mark Schleifer, Craig Forbes, Jay Forbes, Dan Brashler, Megan Schleifer, Elspeth Dodge, Jay Clark, Jeff McOrmond
- Con-Suite Coordinator: Leigh Eirich
- Costuming Program Coordinator: Pavlina Gardner
- Dealers’ Room (Head Hucksters): Larry Sands, Kathy Kasprzak
- Fan Tables Coordinator: Sue Wheeler
- Filk & Other Musical Mayhem: “Gorgeous” Gary Ehrlich
- Film Festival Director/Coordinator: Jonette Butler
- Assistant Film Festival Coordinator: Lance Oszko
- Hal Haag Memorial Game Room: Donna Dearborn
- Game Room Assistant: Michelle Hymowitz
- Gaming Program Coordinator: Michelle Hymowitz
- Guest of Honor Liaison Coordinator: Adrienne Reynolds
- Guest of Honor Liaisons: Dan Guy Fowlkes, Gary Ehrlich, Caitlin Reynolds, Eileen Shavaitz, Galia Godel
- Hall Costume Awards: Brian Butler
- Hotel Liaison: Ann Marie Rudolph
- Hotel Liaison Staff: Art Blumberg, Peter Eirich
- Hotel Negotiator: Peter Eirich
- Information Desk Coordinator: Patti Kinlock
- LARP Coordinators: Miriam “Emi” Steiner, Karen Miden
- Loadmaster: Martin Deutsch
- Logistics: Brian Butler
- Masquerade Coordinator/MC: Marty Gear
- Masquerade Green Room: Cindy Shockey
- New & Popular Media: Ninja Paul Fischer
- New & Popular Media Assistants: Harknell, Onezumi, Nobilis Reed
- Balticon Podcast: Paul Fischer, Martha Holloway
- Operations & Security Commander: Greg Wright
- Operations & Security Lt. Commander: Moria Trent
- Party Coordinator: Liz Lewis
- Poetry Workshop Coordinators: Vonnie Winslow Crist, Katie Hartlove
- Poetry Contest Judges 2012: Vonnie Winslow Crist, Katie Hartlove, Wendy Hellier Stevens
- Program Coordinator: Michael Rafferty
- Program Assistant: Jonette Butler
- Program Track Head Emeritus/Idea Generator: Jul Owings
- Literary & Fannish Program Track Head: Jonette Butler
- Program Participants’ Green Room: Perrianne Lurie
- Publicity & Public Relations Coordinator: Sue Wheeler
- Press Relations Assistant: Alexandra A. Kelly
- Promotional and Event DVDs: Eric “Dr. Gandalf ” Fleischer
- Publications Coordinator: Patti Kinlock
- BSFAN Editor: Patti Kinlock
- Flyers: Patti Kinlock, Nora Echeverria
- Pocket Program: Jonette Butler, Michael Rafferty
- Rocket Mail: Dale Arnold
- Raffle Basket: Kathy Kasprzak
- Registration Coordinator: Brian Alexander
- Assistant Registration Coordinators: Megan Allen-Kingsland, Lee Anne Dinkin
- Registration Computer Services: Mark Schleifer
- Science Program Scheduling: Miriam Winder-Kelly
- Science Program Tech: Paul Loeschke
- Science Program Tech Staff: Paul Loeschke, Ed Germroth, Dale Arnold, Dana Carson
- Special Needs Coordinator: Paul O’Neil
- Special Needs Assistant: Ellen Montgomery
- Sponsorships Coordinator: Jonette Butler
- Teen Program Coordinator: Eta Hack
- Tchotchke Tchair (Sales Table): Patti Kinlock
- Sales Table Assistants: Kenn Breckenridge, Sharessa Elliott
- Technical Director: Eric Gasior
- Assistant Technical Director: Samuel Kopel
- Lighting Designer: Liana Olear
- Program AV: Joseph Averett
- Sound Designer: Allon Stern
- Teaching With SF Workshop Coordinator: Peter Eirich
- Video (Tech): Eric “Dr. Gandalf ” Fleischer
- Masquerade Caller: Larry Schroeder
- Masquerade Setup: The dozens of others behind the scenes. With special thanks to Jim Housell & Persis Thorndike.
- Video Room: Thomas “The Red” Horman
- Volunteer Coordinators: Brian Butler, Rodger Burns
- Webmaster Team: Jonette Butler, Eric “Hymie” Hymowitz, Nora Echeverria
- Jack L. Chalker Young Writers’ Contest Coordinators: Marty Gear, Miriam Winder-Kelly
- JLC Young Writers’ Contest Assistant: Michelle Rosenberg
- Writers’ Workshop: Steve Lubs
Balticon 46 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and
look for it to be published here!!

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"Hugo Award", "Worldcon", and "NASFiC" are service marks of the
World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary association.
"Balticon" is a service mark of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Inc. |