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DATE: May 22-25, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 Virus Situation the Physical Balticon at the Hotel was canceled and instead there was a Virtual Balticon Online. Using the platforms of multiple Zoom channels, a Twitch Channel, multiple chanels on a Discord Server and virtual reality in Second Life we were able to create a virtual convention that was a triumph of what was possible given we could not hold a physical con.
- GoH: Wen Spencer
- ART GoH: Lee Moyer
- Music GoH: Cheshire Moon with Lizzie Crowe and Eric Coleman
- 2020 Compton Crook Award Winner:
- 2019 Compton Crook Award Winner: R. F. Kuang
- 2019 Heinlein Award Winner: Vernor Vinge
- Cosplay and Masquerade GoHs: Jay and Leigh Targaryen
- Balticon 54 Committee & Staff:
- Chair : Michael Rafferty
- Vice Chair : Eric Gasior
- Treasurer : David Walter
- Secretary : Patti Kinlock
- Hotel Liaison : Dale Arnold
- Balticon Webmaster : Marilyn Mix
- Website Support : Nora Echeverria, Marv Zelkowitz
- Social Media : Morgan Hazelwood, Matt Shogren
- Print Publications : Patti Kinlock, Nora Echeverria
- BSFAN Editor/Advertising : Patti Kinlock
- Rocket Mail Editor : Dale Arnold
- Balticon Badges & T-Shirt Design : Nora Echeverria
- Postcards, Fliers, Business Cards : Patti Kinlock, Nora Echeverria
- Promotional & Event DVDs : Eric "Dr Gandalf 'Fleischer
- Promo Loop Slideshow : Eric "Dr Gandalf 'Fleischer
- Promo Loop Assistants : Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Nora Echeverria
- Virtual Balticon Graphic Design : Nora Echeverria
- PR Copy Editing : Gaelin "Bugsy" Bryant
- Fundraising Assistant : Kristin Seibert
- Registration Coordinator : Megan Allen-Kingsland
- Registration Data Entry (Pre-Con) : Patti Kinlock
- Computer Services : Michael Rafferty
- Volunteer Desk Coordinator : Paul O' Neil
- Accessibility Desk Coordinator : Ellen Montgomery
- Accessibility Desk Assistant Coordinator : Ruth Schoonover-Field
- Information Desk Coordinator : April Walters
- Balticon Information Team (Pre-Con) : Dale Arnold, Patti Kinlock
- Ops & Security Head : Yakira Heistand
- Ops & Security Staff : Mike Czaplinski
- Building Storage & Organization : Eric Gasior, Evan Haag
- Logistics : Matthew Shogren
- Technical Director : Samuel Kopel
- Assistant Technical Director : Robert Markowitz
- Technical Director' s Assistant : Sarah Sexton
- Zoom Master : Matthew Shogren
- Zoom Wrangler : Archer Losely
- Assistant Zoom Wranglers : Lucie Le Blanc, Leilani Macomber, Hannah Nelson
- Zoom Logistics : Liana Olear
- Zoom Crash Test Moderator : Kim Hargan
- Video Editor : Eric "Dr Gandalf 'Fleischer
- Balticon 54 Head of (in person) Audio/Visual : Martin Siemen
- Virtual Balticon Tech Training : Morgan Hazelwood, Archer Losely, Matt Shogren
- Godfather of Tech : Marty Gear
- Second Life : Jamie Marlin, Taylor Schroeder
- YouTube and Twitch Streamers : Eric "Dr Gandalf 'Fleischer, Eric Honour, Leilani Macomber, Matt Shogren, Peter "Happy 'Thomas, Syd Weinstein
- Discord Moderators : Jenine Abarbanel, Misha Field, Eric Gaisor, Morgan Hazelwood, Samuel Kopel, Lucie Le Blanc, John Maizels, Robert Markowitz, Quinn Ochs, Ruth Schoonover-Field, Kristin Seibert, Sarah Sexton, Peter Smiley, Peter "Happy 'Thomas, Syd Weinstein, Z!
- Zoom Hosts : Jenine Abarbanel, Fred Bauer, Erin Boehme, Art "Boots 'Coleman, Bear Field, Misha Field, Eric "Dr. Gandalf 'Fleisher, Carolyn Frank, Eric Honour, Samuel Kopel, Lucie Le Blanc, Archer Losely, Leilani Macomber, John Maizels, Laurie Mann, Robert Markowitz, Caroline Meeks, Lauretta Nagel, Hannah R. Nelson, Liana Olear, Peter Olszowka, Kathi Overton, Jeff Poretsky, Chooch Schubert, Matt Shogren, David Silber, Peter Smiley,
Peter "Happy 'Thomas, Syd Weinstein, Z!
- GOH Liaison : Debi Chowdhury
- BSFS Books for Kids Charity Auction Coordinator : Kelly Shannon Pierce
- Masquerade Director : "Dr Karen 'Purcell
- Masquerade Masters of Ceremonies : Jay Targaryen, Leigh Targaryen
- Masquerade Workmanship Judges : Gaia Eirich, Sarah Richardson
- Masquerae Presentation Judges : Heidi Hooper, Wen Spencer, Michele Weinstein
- Film Festival : Marv Zelkowitz
- Concerts (Filk & Other Musical Mayhem) : Gary Ehrlich
- Writers' Workshop Coordinator : Steve Lubs
- Poetry Workshops Coordinator : Brian Groover
- Hospitality/Con-Suite : Denise Cutair, Leigh Eirich
- Program Participants' Green Room : Alison Brown
- Art Show Director : Nora Echeverria
- Art Show Co-Director : Anna Scott
- Dealers' Room Coordinator : Kelly Shannon Pierce
- At-Con Dealers' Room Coordinator : Stephen Clark
- Video Room : Thomas "the Red 'Horman
- Anime Room : Leona Thompson
- Gaming Coordinator : Michelle Hymowitz
- Hal Haag Memorial Game Room : Eric "hymie! 'Hymowitz
- RPG Gaming : Tamara Curry
- LARP : Karen Miden
- Artist Alley Coordinators : Nora Echeverria, Anna Scott
- Artist Alley Staff : Allison Brown
- Fan Tables & Parties : Jasen Stengel
- Sales Table Head : Patti Kinlock
- Sales Table Assistant : Carol Reynolds
- Restaurants/Parking Discounts : Miriam Winder-Kelly
- Head : Lisa Adler-Golden
- Software Wrangler : Eric Gasior
- Program Track Leads:
- After Dark : Nobilis Reed
- Anime : Leona Thompson
- Children's : Eta Hack
- Costuming/Makers : Pavlina Gardner
- Gaming : Eric "hymie! 'Hymowitz, Michelle Hymowitz
- Literary : Gaelin "Bugsy" Bryant, John Edward Lawson
- Music/Filk : Gary Ehrlich, Emily Lewis
- New Media : John Walker
- Science : Miriam Winder-Kelly
- Skeptics : J.D. Mack
- Teaching with SF : Art Boorman
- Video : Thomas "the Red" Horman
- General Advice and Sanity Checks : Elektra Hammond, Father John Robison
*All other tracks led by Lisa Adler-Golden with input from other programming staff.
- Compton Crook Award Committee : Nora Echeverria, Bruce Kaplan, Sam Lubell
- Compton Crook Award Judges : The Members of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society
- Jack L. Chalker Young Writer' Contest : Ben Allen-Kingsland, Amy Kaplan, Miriam Winder-Kelly, Marv Zelkowitz
- Poetry Contest Coordinator : Patti Kinlock
- Poetry Contest Judges : Vonnie Winslow Crist, Katie Hartlove
- Amateur Writing Contest Coordinators : Tim Paggi, David Vaughan
- Amateur Writing Contest Judges : Dale Arnold, Lesa Gould, Sarah Pinsker, Szu-Chien (Ben) Wang, Miriam Winder-Kelly, Karlo Yeager, John Zaharick
- Robert Heinlein Award Coordinator : Dale Arnold
- Robert Heinlein Award Judges : The Heinlein Award Committee
- Computer Admins : Nora Echeverria, Eric Gasior, Michael Rafferty
- BSFS President : Dale Arnold
- BSFS Treasurer : Maria Thompson
- Visit Baltimore Liaison : Peter Eirich
- Balticon 54 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and
look for it to be published here!!

This site brought to you by
The Baltimore Science Fiction
Society, Inc.

Supports |
Created on bsfs.org - 5/16/2015
all maintenance is performed by:
"webmeister at bsfs dot org"
BSFS Banner by Ed Edman
Version DA-07 - 6/19/2020 |
"Hugo Award", "Worldcon", and "NASFiC" are service marks of the
World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary association.
"Balticon" is a service mark of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Inc. |