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DATE: May 28-31, 2021
Due to the COVID-19 Virus Situation the Physical Balticon at the Hotel will/was not held and instead we launched Virtual Balticon Online. Using the platforms of multiple Zoom channels, multiple chanels on a Discord Server and virtual reality in Second Life and Gather (which recreated our normal hotel in cyberspace) we were able to create a virtual convention.
- GoH: Seanan McGuire
- ART GoH: Alyssa Winans
- Music GoH: Margaret & Kristoph
- 2021 Compton Crook Award Winner: Micaiah Johnson
- 2020 Compton Crook Award Winner: Arkady Martine
- 2021 Heinlein Award Winner: C. J. Cherryh
- Fan GoHs: Bruce & Cheryl Evry
- Balticon 55 Committee & Staff:
- Chair : Yakira Heistand
- Chair Emeritus: Eric Gasior
- Treasurer : David Walter
- Secretary : Patti Kinlock
Committee List prending final list
- Balticon 55 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and
look for it to be published here!!

This site brought to you by
The Baltimore Science Fiction
Society, Inc.

Supports |
Created on bsfs.org - 5/16/2015
all maintenance is performed by:
"webmeister at bsfs dot org"
BSFS Banner by Ed Edman
Version DA-05 - 5/31/2021 |
"Hugo Award", "Worldcon", and "NASFiC" are service marks of the
World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary association.
"Balticon" is a service mark of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Inc. |