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![]() Balticon Runner's Manual (last updated 09/01/2002 4:15 PM) |
I. A. 2. Modifications I. A. 3. Review Procedures I. A. 4. Distribution I. C. Policies
I. C. 2. Miscellaneous I. C. 3. Committee List (last updated 03/19/01 10:00 AM) I. C. 4. Guests of Honor I. C. 5. Convention Date I. C. 6. Venue I. C. 7. Theme
I. D. 2. Monthly Planning Meetings
I. E. 2. Balticon 38 Budget I. E. 3. Previous Budgets
I. F. 2. Initial Flyer I. F. 3. Main Flyer I. F. 4. Special Flyer - Waldenbooks
I. G. 2. Panic Button
I. H. 2. Prospectus I. H. 3. Hotel Contract I. H. 4. Official Thank-You To Hotel Staff
II. A. 2. Emergency Procedures II. A. 3. Berserker Assignment Areas II. A. 4. Berserker Postcard (Post Con)
II. B. 2. Night OPS Supervisor II. B. 3. Berzerker Supervisor II. B. 4. Badge Checker
II. C. 2. Volunteer Registration and Release Form II. C. 3. Volunteer Time Record II. C. 4. Special Volunteer Time Sheet
III. A. 2. Free Memberships
IV. A. 2. Program Track Manager IV. A. 3. Potential Guest Address List IV. A. 4. Letter To Potential Guests IV. A. 5. Dealing With Program Participants IV. A. 6. Memberships for Program Participants
IV. E. 2. Request For Involvement Of Game Manufacturers IV. E. 3. Games Scheduling IV. E. 4. Gaming Room Layout
IV. G. 2. Sample Confirmation Letter IV. G. 3. Sample Rejection Letter IV. G. 4. Dealers' Room Information Sheet
IV. I. 2. Letter Of Invitation To Prospective Exhibitor IV. I. 3. Costume Display Info Sheet
IV. J. 2. Party Invitation Letters (last updated 03/19/01 10:49 AM)
IV. L. 2. Schedule IV. L. 3. Auction Rules
IV. M. 2. General IV. M. 3. Advertising Rates
V. A. 2. Letter To Winners ![]() Balticon Manual
Balticon tries to have something for just about everyone. The Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Inc. is dedicated to the furtherance of the production of Science Fiction and Fantasy in all of its forms, including literary and the media. We try to maintain a level of information availability and a pleasant venue that provides a place to meet with authors and artists and visit with old friends as well as meet and make new ones.
The Balticon Runner's Manual is a publication of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Inc. It has been established to define the responsibilities of the Balticon Committee through a set of written procedures, standards, and guidelines. ![]() The manual is intended to be a "living" document that will grow and change as Balticon grows and changes. There will, from time to time, be a need to modify these procedures, standards, and guidelines. ![]() All suggestions submitted will be reviewed by the Balticon Chair and Vice Chair and included in the manual, if appropriate. ![]()
![]() ![]() I. C. Policies
Balticon 38 Org Chart (Word, 21 kb) ![]()
Balticon Committee List (Xcel, 22 kb) ![]()
The number of Honored Guests is decided by the Chair.
Artist Guest of Honor - Dave Seely Filk Guest of Honor - Heather Alexander I. C. 6. Venue I. C. 7. Theme for the Convention
Balticon 38 Space Allocation (Excel, 105kb) ![]()
Balticon 34 Gripe Session (Word, 54kb) Balticon 35 Planning Meeting - 09-09-00 (Word, 31kb) Balticon 35 Planning Meeting - 10-14-00 (Word, 30kb) Balticon 35 Planning Meeting - 11-11-00 (Word, 26kb) Balticon 35 Planning Meeting - 12-04-00 (Word, 88kb) Balticon 35 Planning Meeting - 02-10-01 (Word, 29kb) ![]()
I. E. 2. Current Budget
Balticon 38 Budget (Xcel, 73 kb) actually for the moment is is the same as the Balticon 35 Budget........ ![]()
Balticon 35 Budget (Xcel, 73 kb) ![]() I. G. Scheduling
BASIC TERMS FOR BALTICON PROPOSAL/CONTRACT: GUEST ROOMS: Balticon's normal room pick up is approximately 360 rooms per night on peak nights (THURSDAY - 30 rooms, FRIDAY - 360 rooms, SATURDAY - 360 rooms, SUNDAY - 250 rooms, and MONDAY - 30 rooms.) The room block should be a target, and provision should be made for the flexibility to pick up more rooms if required, or to pick up approximately 10% fewer rooms, without incurring any penalty. Rooms should be offered at a flat rate for multiple occupancy, and the rate given to the convention must be the lowest rate available for any and all rooms sold that weekend. The convention's room rate should be honored for all rooms booked prior to the event, and no registration cut-off date should be set. FUNCTION SPACE: All function space in the hotel is to be booked for Balticon, on a complimentary basis, for use from Thursday night through Sunday evening, with storage space available through Monday. In the event that function space is double-booked after Balticon has a contract with the hotel, liquidated damages will be forfeit by the hotel, in accordance with a sliding scale keyed to the amount of function space unavailable to Balticon. CATERING REQUIREMENTS: The Balticon Committee wishes to make its own arrangements for dry snacks, sodas, cut vegetables and dip, and cheese cubes in its hospitality suite. Other catering requirements will be placed through the hotel at their usual prices. We are willing to consider the payment of a reasonable flat fee (corkage) in exchange for this. TECHNICAL/AUDIOVISUAL REQUIREMENTS: The Balticon committee will provide its own audio-visual, computer, and other necessary technical equipment, and the labor to set up all equipment in the hotel's function areas, as needed. The hotel agrees to provide the committee's technical set up staff with all necessary access to service areas, and required engineering support, and to generally permit the use of service areas to achieve technical hook-ups. The committee will work in conjunction with the hotel's engineering staff, but will not agree to surrender technical hook-up functions entirely to the hotel, nor to the payment of charges for standby engineering service throughout the weekend. ![]()
Prospectus 1992 (Word, 46 kb) ![]()
Hotel Contract 2001 (Word, ?? kb files/manl-ih3-b35.doc) Hotel Contract 2000 (Word, ?? kb files/manl-ih3-b34.doc) Hotel Contract 1999 (Word, ?? kb files/manl-ih3-b33.doc) Hotel Contract 1998 (Word, ?? kb files/manl-ih3-b32.doc) ![]()
Hotel Staff Letter (Word, 20 kb) ![]()
GUIDELINES: A. Work is to be found for anyone who volunteers. Schedule volunteers for registration first, especially on Friday and Saturday (AM). B. Volunteers at some conventions are called Gofers, and in the past, they have been called so at Balticon. Volunteers at Balticon will be called Bersekers. C. No Gossiping. D. Berserkers take instructions from the OPS Supervisor or the head of the area to which they are assigned, no one else. Make sure the Berserker knows who is in charge of the assigned area. E. No convention attendee is ever to be sent away without receiving an answer to a question. Convention committee members are on beepers, and the information booth has many answers. Find an answer to all questions or find someone who knows the answer. F. Do not act as a policeman. If a convention attendee disputes a polite request, don't argue, but make sure that the incident is reported to OPS. G. When possible, all problems are to be handled at the level of OPS Supervisor. Problems should be referred to committee members when a major policy violation is involved or in a situation where a particular committee member is the only one who knows the answer. H. T-Shirts will be given to all volunteers who can document working 10 or more hours. All work cards should be signed by the assignment area head to verify the number of hours worked. ![]()
GUIDELINES: A. MEDICAL Never offer medical services or advice unless licensed to do so by the State of Maryland. Offer to call 911. If the offer is refused, report the incident to OPS anyway with the name of the person involved and the details of the emergency. OPS will have information on the nearest hospital and a first aid kit for minor emergencies. B. POLICE Try to work with hotel security and the off-duty police that are working for the convention so that no situations reach the point at which the authorities must be called. In the event they are, OPS will assist by keeping all non-involved convention attendees out of the way. Do not attempt to help or interfere with police officers. C. FIRE Call 911 and report that action to OPS immediately. D. Log all emergency incidents. E. Remember that the Convention Committee has no real civil authority. What little authority the attendees have agreed to allot us is delegated to the OPS or Night OPS Supervisor. If you are not one of these individuals, you will have to rely on your charm. ![]()
2. Dealers Room 3. Art Auction 4. Masquerade 5. Gofer Hole 6. OPS (Operations) 7. Con Suite 8. Green Room 9. Children's Programming 10. Logistics ![]()
PROCEDURE: A postcard should be printed and mailed to each volunteer with wording similar to the following:
Our records also reveal that you [___] did / [___] did not earn a membership to Balticon __. We hope to see you at Balticon __. " ![]()
A. Communications A log must be maintained of all incoming messages. Incoming messages must be classified as to urgency and posted or hand delivered as appropriate. There will be a mail box or message board provided for committee and staff. If beepers are used for key personnel, the Shift Supervisor must determine the need for paging the committee or staff member. The hotel switchboard will switch only callers who ask for a staff member by name to OPS. Other calls should go to the Information Desk, but if they get through to OPS by mistake, do not switch them to the Information Desk unless no one in the OPS area knows the answer. Remember, we are a service organization. On the other hand, all such calls should be kept as brief as possible. If necessary, take a phone number and have the Information Desk call them back. In the event of a personal message for an attendee, the Shift Supervisor must determine the urgency of the message and either post it at the Information Desk, or send a runner to have announcements made in the various program areas. The Shift Supervisor must be sure to get the caller's name and phone number and explain the lack of a public address system at the convention. General information calls and personal calls need only a brief posting in the log. The Message board shall be utilized for the posting of all incoming messages for attendees. B. Berserker Scheduling and Tracking A log must be kept of all reported Gofer hours. Gofers will be instructed to check-in with OPS before and after reporting for a shift. There will be some means (usually ribbons) to identify Gofers and to allow them access to the Gofer hole. Gofers should not be given any special Gofer identification or access to the Gofer Hole until after they report for their first shift. A schedule covering the entire convention will be posted prominently, and the Shift Supervisor will be responsible for noting gaps and scheduling coverage. C. Cleanliness and Security of HQ Presence of food and drink in the HQ area must be kept to an absolute minimum. Gofers who want to relax should go to the Gofer Hole and food supplies should be kept there. Gofers assigned to HQ may be allowed some food and drink from the Gofer Hole. A small amount of food is allowed in HQ. No unnecessary personnel should be in HQ. This is the Dull and Boring Room: too many people are a security risk. D. Crash Space The key to Gofer crash space will be kept in HQ. Gofers who are ready to crash should be escorted to the room and the key returned by the escort. The interior security lock is not to be used in the crash space. Gofers who need their belongings secured will be provided another space for them. E. Security Log Security incidents are those in which inappropriate or illegal behavior must be dealt with. It is hoped that these incidents will be minimal, most occur between the hours of 8 PM and 8 AM when Night OPS is on duty. All such incidents and the action taken must be logged. It is the responsibility of the relieving Supervisor to review the previous log entries and be aware of problems that may recur. If some action is necessary, it must be remembered that no committee or staff member has police authority and only certain committee members have the right to revoke memberships. If drastic action is necessary, the most senior member of the committee or hotel staff member must be located. Balticon does not condone illegal behavior, but convention staff must be tolerant of attendees who believe they are only guilty of trying to amuse themselves. Remember, the Shift Supervisor does not have the authority to interpret or change Balticon policy. If a bad choice is made by the Shift Supervisor, then that Shift Supervisor will be held responsible, so if the Shift Supervisor is unsure, then someone else on the committee must be contacted. Registration must be notified ASAP if a badge is pulled. A computer terminal should be made available in the night OPS area so that this information could be entered by Security. In the event of major incidents, such as damage to a hotel room, a BSFS officer should be notified. ![]()
A. Handle any of the duties of the regular stationary supervisor. B. Arrange regular patrols of the function areas and sleeping areas in order to monitor possible problems. C. Ensure that the security log is up-to-date and letting the proper people know of any action that may need to be taken after you are off duty. D. Issue temporary registrations after the closing of Registration. E. Revoke memberships if it is deemed necessary. This should be the last option considered. The Night OPS Supervisor also has the authority to determine other means of handling problems. In the absence of the Chair or Vice Chair, the Night OPS Supervisor is the final authority on security problems. ![]()
A. Act as liaison between various major departments such as the Art Show, Green Room, and the different OPS locations such as Volunteer Registration, Information, Gofer Hole, and HQ. B. Verify that Volunteers have reported as instructed, understand their duties, and knowledgeable as to who is in charge of their assigned areas. C. Report to HQ any unanticipated Volunteer needs to be filled. D. Verify that Volunteers are relieved as expected. E. Handle food and drink requisitions made by Volunteers assigned to non-HQ locations. These requests must be kept at a reasonable level. The Gofer Hole is the place where Volunteers should be going for food and most should be consumed there. The Roving Supervisor must use judgement. If it is extremely hot or the Volunteers have been talking to everyone in the world (i.e., registration) then perhaps requests for food and/or drinks would be warranted. Remember, we don't want the hotel to think we are competing with their food services. F. Note areas of high trash buildup and reporting these to HQ. G. Report any incidents which may become security problems. The Roving Supervisor should not interfere in any incident which is being handled by another committee member. H. Monitor the use of the Gofer Hole. The Gofer Hole is to be a place for anyone who has earned a break to feel comfortable, not a private club. Both Staff and Gofers will be allowed to use the Gofer Hole. ![]()
A. Try to locate Convention badges as the attendee approaches. B. Ask politely "May I see your badge, please?" if a badge is not visible on a convention attendee. C. Thank everyone for displaying their badge. D. Make sure that they know the hours of public access to the room being watched. E. Locate the Registration Desk for those who were unable to find it. F. Refrain from arguing if someone refuses to show his/her badge and insists upon entering a room, and not physically blocking them. Report the incident to the department head for the assigned area and to HQ with a complete description, if possible. G. Know the means of identifying all levels of badges (committee, staff, special) to determine access to an area not yet open to the public. Refer anyone to the department head who insists on entering during non-public hours. ![]()
Volunteer Rules and Regulations (Word, 24 kb ) ![]()
Volunteer Registration and Release Form (Word, 20 kb ) ![]()
Volunteer Time Record (Word, 24 kb ) ![]()
Special Volunteer Time Sheet (Word, 23 kb ) ![]()
POLICIES: I. Background needed to run the Information Table.
B. Have a general knowledge of the area around the Convention hotel and know Baltimore and the surrounding area well enough to be able to help people find what they seek.
B. Near or by a phone jack for an outside line.
B. 2 - 4 chairs. C. At least one phone with an outside line. The hotel will be instructed to route all calls for information about Balticon to this table. D. One or more, preferably at least three, bulletin boards. E. Equipment:
2. Plenty of push pins and invisible tape. 3. Index cards for announcements to go onto the bulletin boards. 4. Cardboard signs for categories needed:
b. Announcements. c. Program Changes. d. Parties - for party board if the hotel situation allows it.
2. A large map of the area around the hotel, displaying the features (restaurants, liquor stores, drug stores, etc.) most likely to be needed by our attendees. 3. An extensive restaurant guide, preferably one that includes summaries of the food served, to guide people on restricted diets. Copies of menus are helpful, if available. 4. Directions to/from hotel to major highways and public transportation. 5. Handouts to give attendees - tourist information (optional). 6. Emergency numbers we hope we won't have to use: Doctor, Fire, Police, Ambulance.
2. A local or other knowledgable person at the table or easily available. 3. Berserker to take over the table one hour before any Orioles game.
2. 10 AM to 6 or 8 PM Saturday. 3. 10 AM to 2 PM Sunday. ![]()
1. The Balticon committee will be responsible for pre-registration and all registration at the convention. 2. An additional phone line exists in the clubhouse, in part, for the data entry to the database of all pre-registrations. 3. A problem list will be maintained. A number of problems will be determined by the pre-registration staff. A list should be made of these problems and given to the At-Con Registration staff so that these problems can be corrected as the individuals come to the Registration Table to collect their memberships. As each Con attendee checks in at the Registration Desk, their names are to be checked against the list. Any name found on the Problem list must clear their name from this list prior to being issued a convention badge. ![]()
A letter should be given to the Registration Chair identifying the member that should receive a free membership (or a refund, if the member has paid already). Such a letter (or e-mail) should contain the following: "Subject: free memberships BTW, Since the flyers went out all of my people are calling me with their numbers to make sure they get staff memberships. Here they are to get you started: Joe Phan 9200519CY93 Suzy Creamcheese: BSFS9200520CY93 Let me know if you need anything else. _____________________ - Supervisor ___________ Area" ![]()
GENERAL DUTIES: 1. Reports to the Balticon Chair (or Vice-Chair or in the absence of the Chair). 2. Is responsible for compiling the master program participants address list. 3. Is responsible for seeing that letters of invitation are sent to program participants (all letters composed for the Chair's signature). 4. Sets deadlines for program track schedules. 5. Coordinates the program track schedules to ascertain that no guests or function spaces are over- or under-programmed. 6. Coordinates guest activities with guest liaison. 7. Submits information for program book in accordance with schedules set by the BSFAN Editor. 8. Coordinates with all other department heads as necessary. 9. Has full authority to enforce deadlines and other instructions of the chair and/or vice-chair. 10. Appoints Managers for program tracks. The number of program tracks will be determined by the amount of function space and personnel. ![]()
RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Prepare, according to assigned deadlines:
b. Schedule of Events. c. Hotel Setup requests/needs from hotel. d. Equipment requests. e. Requests for supplies. f. Volunteer (Berserker) requests with job descriptions and hours required. g. Lists of all program participants or other free memberships that will be needed. 3. Confirm in writing all verbal agreements made with people who will help or work with you or be on your program. 4. Follow up invitations to guests or helpers/workers with information on the con, registrations and special events in which the person is to participate (see "letters to Guests" for example of how to treat special guests). 5. Provide regular written or oral reports to rest of committee. 6. Know with whom you must coordinate, i.e., Guest Liaison, Registration, or other department heads. ![]()
Potential Participants List (Word, 50 kb) ![]()
A. General information about the Con, the hotel, and its location. B. Dates of Balticon for the year in question, AND THE FACT THAT IT IS ON MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND. C. Give clubhouse and/or your home phone number for a reply. D. Include the BSFS address for reply by letter:
E. Give a reasonable deadline for a reply.
2. Let them know that a reply will get them a hotel card.
Letter To Potential Guests (Word, 22 kb) ![]()
GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A. A letter to those who accept the offer to be a program participant, after receiving "Yes, I'd love to come..." reply, shall include:
b. Gentle statement of what is not included in hopes that they will not assume anything. 3. Information about your programming.
b. Specific offer of participation to this program participant (tailored to their reply). 5. Updates on general convention activity (special events we are planning involving the program participants, etc.). 6. This letter should be out by CON MINUS 1 MONTH, at least.
b. General idea(s) to be covered in the discussion. c. People participating with them. 3. Tell them how to get to the convention hotel, about parking and/or unloading where appropriate. 4. Tell them WHERE TO REGISTER even if it is in the same place as the general membership. 5. Tell them if you plan to present gifts and where and when this will be done. 6. Tell them the location of the Green Room and the approximate hours of operation. 7. Tell them specifically when and where any special events such as Meet the Guests and Wine and Cheese party will be. 8. Tell them any special arrangements you have promised (room location, disabilities, storage, etc.) and how this will be taken care of. ![]()
B. Any program participant who requests a membership for one guest, in advance, be granted that membership and offered the opportunity to participate in an other panel/activity. C. Requests for up to four family memberships may be granted at the discretion of the Program Coordinator. The Program Coordinator must maintain a list to be forwarded to the registration staff with sufficient notice to print badges. D. Requests for more than four family members or for non related guests shall be referred to the Chair. E. Program participants who bring family members or other guests without advance notification may, at the discretion of the Registration Head, be asked to pay for memberships. Such memberships will be reviewed by the Chair, with advice from the Treasurer and Program Coordinator, for possible but not guaranteed reimbursement. ![]()
A. Initial contact with prospective guests will be made by the Programming Coordinator. B. Guest Liaison is responsible for contacting guests specified by the Balticon Chair (including the Guests of Honor and the Compton Crook Award winner). C. Ascertain any guest of honor special requests, special needs, special conditions, and arrange to satisfy the same. D. If the guestof honor prefers - make travel arrangements for them. E. Phone each one in the week before the convention for final arrangements. F. Meet each guest of honor (or have them met) on arrival and transport them to the Hotel. G. Arrange dinner for Friday Night and Saturday Night for the Balticon Chair and the Guests of Honor. H. Handle any problems - keep 'em happy, if possible. I. Entertain guests of honor when and how appropriate. J. Arrange meetings and dinners with BSFS members, if desired, by either guests or members. K. Return guests of honor to terminal or airport in time for departure. ![]()
NOVICE - An individual who has won fewer than three major prizes* in costume competitions (other than as a "Young Fan") at any convention (General S/F or Specific Theme, i.e., Trek, Darkover, etc.) with 20 or more costume entries. JOURNEYMAN - Has won at a con Masquerade previously, but does not qualify as: Young Fan, Novice Craftsman, or Re-Creation as defined here-in. In other words, a Journeyman has won at least three major prizes* as a Novice but less than three additional prizes in the Journeyman Division. CRAFTSMAN - An individual who has won three or more major prizes* above the Novice level at previous cons with 20 or more costume entries. MASTER - An individual who has won Master Status at the Worldcon and/or Costume Con level. Master is a division reserved for World Class Winners, and only if two or more World Class Masters are entered in a Balticon Masquerade will a Masters Division be used. A World Class Master has either won three times at Worldcons and/or Costume Cons, or has won a major prize* in the Master Division at these conventions.
NOTES: A NOVICE may compete in the Novice, Journeyman, or Craftsman Division at his/her option; a JOURNEYMAN may compete in the Journeyman or Craftsman Divisions at his/her option; a Craftsman must compete as a Craftsman. A Master must compete in the Masters Division if other Masters are entered, otherwise he must compete in the Craftsman Division. * [Major prize is defined as: "Best ---", "Most ---", "Judges Choice", "First Place ---", or "Second Place ---"] The Division Qualifications for Balticon are not identical to those used for Worldcons. The purpose of having this system is that a beginning costumer need not compete with an experienced winner unless he or she wants to do so. We can all complete on our own level against our costuming peers. 2. We will have some reserved seating for the contestants within the hall used for the Masquerade and we might have a video feed into the green room. We will assemble contestants in small groups outside the hall and bring them on stage from there. Contestants will go off stage into the audience and back to their seating area, the photo area, or the Green Room. We hope that is this way, waiting time can be kept to a minimum, and the maximum number of people will thus be able to see the costumes. We will probably be showing the video tape(s) of the Masquerade in several locations later that evening and at the hall Costume Party on Saturday. 3. The Young Fans, as a group, will appear first. 4. If necessary, the staff reserves the right to change the order of appearance of any contestant. 5. If you are a part of a group costume, only one member of the group should register for the entire group, and the group will be given a single entrant number. We will, however, require the names and signatures of all members of the group. Remember, a group costume will compete at the division level of the highest member and will be judged as a group. (A group costume is only as good as its worst costume.) 6. Absolutely NO skits will be permitted! If you wish a special introduction, please have it typed, double-spaced or printed clearly, and turn it in when you register. Alternatively, you may tape record your introduction on standard cassette tape, with standard biasing, and no Dolby, please. It will also help it you can have it cued to the beginning of the tape. We will have facilities to play this back. Please turn it in at the time that you register. There will be NO LIVE MICROPHONES for the contestants' use! Contestants attempting to speak directly to the audience will be disqualified. 7. The weapons policy of the con will be strictly adhered to. Weapons that are a part of the costume may be displayed only on stage and only in a safe manner. All weapons must be sheathed at the time that you exit the stage. Due to hotel fire regulations, no fire, open flame, flash paper/powder may be used. Electronic sealed flashes are permissible for use by the contestants. 8. Nudity is actively discouraged.
B. Our judges are of both sexes, and are artists, authors, or costumers. They will be judging costumes, not bodies. C. There will be children present. (Also mundanes) D. If the contestant feels that nudity is essential to the costume, please limit it to the Masquerade, and keep it covered in the public areas of the hotel. 10. Each contestant should try to be on time for their call. If there is a good reason for wanting to go on early or late, the contestant should tell the staff when registering. Every effort will be made to accommodate such requests. If the contestant arrives after being called, the contestant may not go on. 11. The backstage staff will have full authority to eliminate anyone from the competition on the basis of taste, danger to the audience or other contestants, or for any other reason deemed sufficient. Each contestant must be able to enter and leave the stage without help in order to appear. The steps to the stage level are six feet (6') wide, one foot (1') deep and eight inches (8") high. We will have people available to steady the contestants, but not to lift or completely support a contestant. 12. We plan to award the prize certificates with the winners' names lettered on them at the con. If the winners must leave before the certificates are ready, they will be mailed to them. 13. TIME LIMITS: Groups of from one (1) to four (4) contestants will be permitted a maximum of one minute (60 seconds) on stage. Groups of five to eight will be permitted a maximum of two minutes. Groups of nine or more will be permitted three minutes maximum. No entry will be permitted more than three minutes for any reason. Short is better. Let your costume speak for itself. 14. The Masquerade at BALTICON will begin at 9:00 PM on SATURDAY, ________ __, 20__ in the Main Programming Room (_________ Ballroom). Contestants will be asked to meet at 8:00 PM for last minute instructions and "Official Photographs" in the contestants' "Green Room". 15. If the contestant will not be able to arrive at the con and register for the Masquerade before 6:00 PM Saturday night, advance registration by mail will be accepted. Contestants interested in mail-in registration should please send a Self Addressed, Stamped, Business Sized envelope to: Marty Gear, 6445 Cardinal Lane, Columbia, MD 21044. A Masquerade Registration form and instructions will be returned. These forms must be received by us not later than two weeks prior to the convention!! The MASQUERADE at BALTICON has become THE MASQUERADE on the East Coast, and the costumes get better every year. We especially need Novices and Journeymen to add new ideas and enthusiasm. Please take part whether this is your first costume or your 20th! ![]()
Any person registering for Balticon who indicates interest in the Writers' Workshop should be sent a letter similar to the example that is available for downloading.
Letter To Potential Workshop Participants (Word, 22 kb) ![]()
2. Games will be scheduled to take place throughout the weekend with designated game masters. 3. A number of convention memberships will be provided to the game masters and gaming area staff to insure the smooth running of the weekend gaming events. 4. Tournaments may be held - if prizes can be obtained from the gaming manufacturers or gaming stores in the areas. 5. Each person who participates in the gaming area must be a member of the convention. ![]()
One way to enlist the involvement of Games Manufacturers in the running of tournaments at Balticon is to send them a letter similar to the example which can be downloaded below:
Request For Involvement Of Game Manufacturers (Word, 22 kb) ![]()
The information on this list should be based on the information provided by the staff game masters on the Games Schedule Sheet.
Games Schedule Sheet (Word, 22 kb) ![]()
Gaming Room Layout (Word, 22 kb) ![]()
2. No dealer may have more than two tables. 3. Table costs will be $50 for the first table and $75 for the second table. 4. All requests for dealer tables must contain several things:
b. Description of wares. No request will be considered that does not contain a description of the merchandise to be sold. This description should reflect 75% of the proposed display. c. Number of tables required. d. Any special requirements such as being next to another particular vendor, being located next to the wall, or availability of electricity should be clearly spelled out. e. A check for the proper amount. f. The dealer's Maryland Sales Tax Number, if one exists. 7. Due to the large number of requests received, the selection of dealers is entirely the decision of the Dealers' Room manager and the Balticon Chair. 8. No dealer will be allowed to sublet their table(s) or resell their table(s) without approval by the Balticon Dealers' Room manager. 9. If the request is illegible, it will not be considered. 10. There will be some general rules of conduct for the Dealers' Room:
b. No pets will be allowed. c. No smoking will be allowed. d. No sound making devices will be allowed without the use of headphones. ![]()
Confirmation Letter (Word, 21 kb) ![]()
Rejection Letter (Word, 21 kb) ![]()
Dealers' Room Information Sheet (Word, 21 kb) ![]()
The videos shown will be properly licensed for viewing in the convention setting. ![]()
Video License (Word, 29 kb) ![]()
IV. I. 2. Letter Of Invitation To Prospective Exhibitor
Letter Of Invitation (Word, ?? kb files/manl-ivi2.doc) ![]()
Costume Display Info Sheet (Word, 20 kb) ![]()
Letter Of Invitation (Word, 24 kb) ![]()
2. The room is to be staffed during all posted hours. 3. The Green Room Coordinator will provide a list of supplies to Logistics in advance. 4. Hotel coffee set-ups and catering orders (crudites, cheese, fruit, etc.) will be ordered by the Con Committee only at times set by the Green Room Coordinator. 5. Only certain persons are to be allowed in the Green Room:
b. Program Participants - identified by special Program Participant's ribbons. c. Guests of Program Participants - identified by special Guest ribbons or vouched for by the accompanying Program Participant. d. Con Committee - identified by Con Committee Ribbon on their badge. e. Con staff, if they have a specific errand or have been invited by a program participant. f. Con Berserkers, if they are on a specific errand or have been invited by a program participant. 7. The Green Room Coordinator will request any necessary volunteer help from Ops in advance if at all possible. ![]() IV. M. Souvenir Book BSFAN IV. N. Pocket Program
In general, there are three main considerations when producing the convention Pocket Program: Time needed, size desired, and the minimum contents required.
B. General size requirement will also be known because the amount of programming will be evident at that time. C. Set the deadline for information based on your printers' requirements and your own time requirements to set it up. D. Have the program ready by Thursday of Balticon week to be there for program stuffing that evening at the hotel.
B. The best formats are road map type (if it can be bigger than 11" x 17") or 5" x 8" book, which can fold to fit into a person's pocket. C. Make it readable and easy to understand (if people fail to read it, that's their fault!).
2. Label each area with both hotel name for the room and (where possible) the Con function put into it.
*1. Dealers' Room. *2. Art Show. *3. Films. 4. Con Suite. 5. Video Program. 6. Anything that lasts one day or longer and stays in the same room (computers, fan lounge, games of all kinds). 7. Anything that happens two or more times at the same place (filking, Bardic Circle, etc.)
*2. GoH SPEECHES. *3. Crook Award Presentation. 4. Writers' or other workshops 5. Program events expected to draw large numbers of people.
2. Spell names of participants correctly. 3. Be concise about the subject of the event. 4. Schedules that must be listed clearly; a separate listing may be required:
b. Video. c. Gaming.
2. Restaurant Guide, which could include restaurants farther away than 6 blocks, but should emphasize the closer ones. ![]()
Any department head who needs to have supplies for the convention must submit a form spelling out what is required to enable planning for the work in procuring and moving materials. ![]()
V. A. 2. Letters To Winners
Letters To Winners (Word, 47 kb) ![]() |
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The Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Inc.
all maintenance is performed by: "webmeister at bsfs dot org" using ![]() BSFS Banner by Ed Edman Version HH-30 - 10/02/2003 | ||||
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World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary association. "Balticon" is a service mark of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Inc. |