BSFS, Inc.
Photo Album - Candid Shots 2002
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Pictures during a Social Meeting!!....
Shrimp Goddess
voted the "BSFS Food Goddess" because she has a habit of
showing up with lots of food for the snack table or work crew.
bsfs_remodel1.jpg The completion of the remodelling of the BSFS Building has been
proclaimed as one of the signs of the coming of the Apocalypse!!
Here is a view of the current remodelling project.
That ugly ramp is going to go!!
All volunteer help is gladly accepted....
Check the
BSFS Calendar for work days!!
Snapshots on a hot day at ArtScape!!....
artscape1.jpg The weather was very hot as Martin Deutsch tries to cool off at the
BSFS booth at Baltimore's ArtScape 2002.
Jean-Luc Picard is showing off one of the Balticon 36 T-Shirts that
was for sale.
artscape2.jpg Sue Wheeler, chair of Balticon 37, and Martin Deutsch, president
of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Inc. try to relax in front
of the booth at Baltimore City's ArtScape 2002.
Snapshots during renovations August, 2002!!....
Captions will be added sporadically - check back often...

construct_8_10_02.jpg Picture taken by Art Blumberg.
p1010001.jpg p1010002.jpg p1010003.jpg p1010004.jpg p1010005.jpg
p1010006.jpg p1010007.jpg p1010008.jpg p1010009.jpg p1010010.jpg
p1010011.jpg p1010012.jpg p1010013.jpg The masks
really got
p1010016.jpg p1010017.jpg p1010018.jpg p1010019.jpg
p1010021.jpg p1010022.jpg p1010023.jpg p1010024.jpg p1010025.jpg
p1010026.jpg p1010027.jpg p1010028.jpg Scenes from the latest
building renovation

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Created on - 07/29/2002
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Version HH-07 - 08/26/2020
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"Hugo Award", "Worldcon", and "NASFiC" are service marks of the
World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary association.
"Balticon" is a service mark of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Inc.