1632 Universe Fan Site:  With Fan Fiction Files.
Adult Fan Fiction Network:  X-Rated site, Not for anyone under 18.
Ashwinder - Sycophant Hex
Back to the Future Fan Fiction
Battle Star Galactica Fan Fiction Older  Best of the Old stuff
Battle Star Galactica Fan Fiction New  Best of the New stuff
Buffy, the Vampire Slayer's Fan Fic Archive
Fan Fiction Net Anime, TV, Novel, Movie, Cartoon fan fiction
Fanlib:  General Fan Fiction Story Archive Site.
Farscape Fan Fiction - Farscape World
Fiction Alley .org
Forever Knight Fan Fiction
Fun Fun Final Fantasy Fan Fiction
God Awful Fan Fiction. Reviews of what is, in that sites authors
opinion, the worst Fan fiction.
Goth and Vampire Fan Fiction
Harry Potter Fan Fiction .com
Highlander Fanfic
Jane's Fanfic Page. TV fanfiction, trek, Q-leap, I-Hulk, Buffy
and more.
Jumpnow Babylon 5 Fan Fiction Archive
OWL Online Wizarding Library - Harry Potter Fanfiction
Portkey is an archive site of different “ships†from SugarQuill.net and between the two sites, you cover the major range from HP fandom.
Roswell Fan Fiction - Alien Blast
Space 1999 Fan Fiction
Space 1999 Fan Fiction
S. R. Donaldson Books Fanfiction
Star Trek Fan Fiction
Star Wars Fan Fiction  at The Force.net
Stargate Fan Fiction
Sugar Quill Net
Trek Fan Fiction at Trek Tales
Quantum Leap Fan Fiction
The Order Of The Phoenix .net
Tolkein Fan Fiction
Warcraft Fan Fiction
Wonder Woman Fan Fiction
Xena Fan Fiction