
Things For Real Web-Heads:
If you use one of these links you might be leaving the Baltimore Science Fiction Society's site.
BSFS, Inc. is not responsible for the content of sites to which we link.
We hope they might contain something to amuse or illuminate you, but we do not control them.
If you feel the link might be inappropriate, let us know at: "webmeister at bsfs dot org" |
Jump here for advice on What to do about SPAM!!!

HTML E-Mail, why not to use it.

HTML E-Mail, how to turn it off.

This button is for adding your web page to up to 20 search
engines at one time.
A List Apart
For people who make web pages.
boogiejack.com the best source of how-to-do web stuff anywhere. You can sign up for
the "Almost A Newsletter" which contains a lot of usefull stuff. Try it.

Desktop Starships: Free SF Screen Savers, Desktops plus.
Interesting art. Interesting video clips. Lots of free stuff and only a few for sale links.
Dynamic Drive Very useful Free Java applets
Error Message Generator, make your own.
Freebyte: Many Free Software Reference Links.
Geek Tools
Investigate anything about the Internet including spam, tracert, whois, RFCs. Also contains a link to find a hotel that is computer-friendly?
Free Gif Animations Site 1.
Free Animation Gifs Site 2.
HTML Colors Code Chart
Pick out the color you want and have the code right there ready to use.
Net Disaster
This site allows you to designate another web page for destruction and fakes
a live feed as it is attacked by the menace of your choice. Copy the resulting URL
and create a link on your page showing it destroyed. Fun.

Icorus Search Engine
Internet Traffic Report
Looks like it should be useful, but is really not very for analysis because
of lack of detail. Seems impressive to know, though.
Librarian's Index to the Internet
Designed for use by public librarians.
This 7,000-site directory is an excellent resource for anyone who needs to research
a topic on the Web. You'll find sites related to the arts, education, geography,
literature, law, medicine, sports, and many other subjects, and each site listing
contains a brief review.
National Do Not Call Registry!
Most telemarketers cannot call your telephone number if it is in the National Do Not Call Registry. You can register your home and mobile phone numbers for free. Your registration will be effective for five years.
http://www.donotcall.com has links to individual states information.
Internet Speed Test-- Check your download and upload stats.
an automated web site submission tool. It is also used by most
commercial URL submission services to provide their service.
Top Ten Web Design Mistakes of 2002
Web Wayback Machine
view web pages from years past from this huge archive.
Try it with "www.bsfs.org" or "www.balticon.org" or even
"http://home.earthlink.net/~halhaag/" (it is sometimes slow)
whatis® is a knowledge exploration tool about information technology,
especially about the Internet and computers. It contains over 2,000
individual encyclopedic definition/topics and a number of
quick-reference pages. The topics contain about 12,000 hyperlinked
cross-references between definition-topics and to other sites for further
information. They try hard to keep it up-to-date.
Zombie Letter Generator
Spam Information Center
Address Harvesting Obstruction
The Anti-Spam Home Page
Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email (CAUCE)
Federal Trade Commission
Spam: PDF of What the FTC Says
Do you receive lots of junk email messages from people you don't know?
It's no surprise if you do. As more people use email, marketers are increasingly
using email messages to pitch their products and services. Some consumers find
unsolicited commercial email - also known as "spam" - annoying and time consuming;
others have lost money to bogus offers that arrived in their email in-box.
This site gives you a way you can take action against spammers.