Aberrant Dreams Magazine
Abyss and Apex a Speculative Fiction Webzine
Analog Science Fiction and Fact Magazine
Another Realm Webzine
Ansible A British sf/fan newsletter that is updated monthly.
Aphelion Webzine
Argentus Fanzine: Fandom, SF Critical Analysis and more as a free pdf download.
Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine
Best SF a Review Webzine
Bewildering Stories a Speculative Fiction Webzine
Bits & Pieces is an occasional eletter for CONduit Reading for the Future
(RFF) Utah. Bits & Pieces is distributed through eGroups.
Have news? Email to the moderator "rffutah1 at juno dot com".
To join/subscribe email "rffutah-subscribe at egroups dot com"
Critcal Mass: SF Literature Reviews and Referance by Don D'Ammassa
Dargonzine-Shared Fantasy Fiction
Dotty's Dimensions
eFanzines.com: Huge number of historical and present Fanzines on all SF
subjects archived as pdf files
Ellen Datlow's Sci-Fiction Webzine
Estronomicon eZine
Expanded Horizons Webzine
Fantastic Metropolis: Speculative Fiction
Free Newsletter Offer!!!
Dear Baltimore Science Fiction Society:
I'd like to invite any members of the club to sign up for my free quarterly newsletter.
It goes out via e-mail and features author interviews, articles, news and reviews about
the speculative fiction world. The next one goes out in mid-July and features an interview
with Amy Sterling Casil. I'll also be giving away a free copy of Battlefield Earth to a
random subscriber.
To sign up, just send an e-mail to "nicholson at hauntedcomputer dot com" with
"signup" as the subject.
Thanks for passing this announcement along to club members.
Scott Nicholson
File 770
Online version of Mike Glyer's science fiction fan newzine.
Futureismic Webzine:
includes fiction and speculation articles.
Galaxy Magazine e-zine
Gothic Net e-zine
Hologram Tales- the free SF & Fantasy magazine - This list is used to e-mail out a free
magazine which features a range of tongue-in-cheek observations about the latest SF and
fantasy movies, books, videos, model kits, comics and any other news scoops they can get
their grubby little mitts on. All the usual targets are covered ... Star Wars, Phantom Menace,
Star Trek, DS9, Voyager, Xena, Dune, parallel universes, William Gibson novels etc.
This list has a number of high profile subscribers, including George Lucas, Ken Livingstone,
Arthur C. Clarke and Steven Spielberg. The thing we like most about this newsletter is its wry
sense of humor - very British and terribly amusing.
Highly Recommended ... a Six Star e-mail newsletter.
TO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS LIST: Contact list owner at:
"jessica_p_martin at hotmail dot com"
io9.com: SF Tip News Line
Ideomancer a Speculative Fiction Webzine.
"Illuminata at TyrannosaurusPress dot com" The monthly SF&F Webzine of Tyrannosaurus Press
Infinite Matrix Webzine
Infinity Plus: British SF
Intergalactic Medicine Show:Webzine edited by Orson Scott Card
Internet Review of SF.
Fiction Review site.
Leading Edge, The
- a semi-professional magazine.
Locus On-Line Webzine
THE LORELEI SIGNAL:Web-zine Featuring Fantasy about Strong Women
Nossa Morte Webzine Horror Webzine
Nth Degree WebzineThe Fiction and Fandom 'Zine
Nuketown E-zine
Planet Magazine
- free quarterly
Planetary Stories Webzine: New Stories crafted as if from the Classic Pulps.
Plokta Network: Fannish News
Quantum Muse Webzine
Revolution SF Webzine
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) Bulletin
a subscription publication
Sci-Fi Blog: Reality and Fiction News
SciFi Wire Daily News
Short fiction reviews.
UK SF Book News E-Zine
Video, Book, movie reviews and original fiction.
Scribal Tales A fantasy, science fiction, horror and hybrid e-zine
featuring short stories, artwork and more.
SF and Fantasy World
Reviews, author interviews and book excerpts organized as a webzine.
SFRevu SF Literary Reviews
SFScope Daily News
Solar Flair Webzine
Stories by Email Interesting premise - theyre free.
StoryCrafting: The Fiction Writers Magazine
Strange Horizons
A weekly web-based magazine of and about "speculative fiction."
a term these editors feel properly embraces science fiction, fantasy, magic realism,
and a host of sub-genres.
Strange Magazine
the online version of Strange Magazine(TM).
Tangent Online: Webzine of SF Reviews.
Ticonderoga: Webzine of Australian SF.
Trufen.net: Webzine of SF fandom news.
Ultraverse Webzine
Subscribe to the Useless Facts Daily ezine and get useless
facts like these in your emailbox everyday.
Writer's Market Webzine
The Zone
Interviews and author profiles, genre essays, retrospective listings,
plus incisive reviews - covering books, cinema, TV, video and more.
