- DATES: February 13-15, 1970 (Washington Birthday Weekend)
- VENUE: Lord Baltimore Hotel, Baltimore, MD
- GoH:
Damon Knight &
Kate Wilhelm
- CHAIR: Jack Chalker
- Memories From Mark Owings:
"Balticon 4 was of course the year that Damon Knight put the dinners of a
large number of Clarion (would-be) writers on his hotel room bill, and Jack
gave up in disgust.
There is one other aspect of the convention which came up years later,
begins in mystery, and ends nowhere. BSFS got a phone call in the 1980's
from someone who wanted information on the 1970 Balticon. It was turned
over to me, and I gave a signed statement as to when and where it was held,
to be used in a lawsuit. Never heard anything more."
- Balticon 4 Committee & Staff: Unknown, but if you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and look
for it to be published here!!