- From
Sharon Lee:
I was a member of Balticon 10. It was my Very First Ever SF convention and
I was there because I had won the short story contest. My prize was free
membership to the convention, twenty-five dollars, and a chance to meet Isaac
George Andrews, head of the contest, met me at registration on Saturday morning.
I fear I was a little too mundane for him, so he left me to the care of his wife, Kathy,
a very nice and gracious lady. Eventually, I was turned loose in the dealer's room,
where I joyously divested myself of my winning$, discovered the art show, spent
some time talking to one of my college classmates, a Mr. Steve Miller, and his wife,
Sue. I *did* meet Isaac Asimov, who was charming, and who did his best to put a
nervous newbie at ease.
I'm sure I attended some panels, since I was very seriously trying to Figure It All Out,
but the subjects are long lost to memory. Since I was a newbie, and very shy to boot,
I didn't know about the parties, and left the con early in the evening.
I didn't make it back on Easter Sunday, since I was promised to my parents, and I
somehow missed the announcement of Balticon 11. But I was back again the year
Anne McCaffrey was GoH, and, well, it sorta snowballed, I guess...
To find out more about Sharon Lee, noted SF Author, check
http://www.korval.com/liad.htm ,
http://www.sff.net/people/sharon.lee/ for details.
- More Balticon Memories:
If you have any information about fannish
activities in Baltimore about this convention that you would like to
see included here, please send it to
webmeister@bsfs.org and look for it to be published here!!