- From Steve Davidson
Just happened on the site and figured I'd contribute what I could.
I was tapped to do security for the event and took it very seriously, as I
regarded it as an opportunity.
The committee was a great bunch of people who made me comfortable in my new
role and everything paid off when we had a 'fire' in the art show.
Security quietly closed the art show to 'rearrange some exhibits' and then we
searched for the fire: everyone on the walkie talkies was waiting to clear
the hotel. Then we found the cigarette butt in a planter along with
smoldering cedar chips.
I hardly remember much about the event itselt, running con security is a 24
hour thing, but I do remember that I had a good time.
Oh - couple of other things:
If I remember correctly, Gary Farber had a pretty nice display of fanzines set up.
Joe Mayhew was running around a lot.
We had to remove numerous people from the pool for skinny-dipping after midnight.
Of course - that couild all have happened at other cons as well, and probably did!
- More Balticon Memories:
If you have any information about fannish
activities in Baltimore about this convention that you would like to
see included here, please send it to
webmeister@bsfs.org and look for it to be published here!!