DATES: April 20 - 22, 1984
VENUE: Hyatt Regency Hotel, Baltimore, MD | Program Book Cover | | Badge Design |
| | | |
- GoH: Parke Godwin
1983 COMPTON CROOK WINNER: Donald Kingsbury
- CHAIR: Sue Wheeler
Christopher Rowley
War For Eternity
- Balticon 18 Committee & Staff:
- VICE CHAIR: Rikk Jacobs
- Secretaries: Edie Williams, Elaine Stiles
- Art Show: Shirley Avery
& Martin Deutsch
- City Liaison: Miriam Winder Kelly
- Dealers' Room: Jul Owings
- Door Registration: Amy Schwartz
- Films: Gary Svehla
- Games: Ray Galacci
- Golden Age Radio: David Easter
- Guest Liaison: Betty Bowers
- Hotel Liaison: Phyllis Kramer
- Masquerade: Marty Gear
- Operations: Edie Williams
- Preregistration: Russell Bowers & Elizabeth Rosenberg
- Press Relations: Jane Wagner
- Programming: Harold Bob (Dr. Bob
- Publications: David Shea
- Technical Support: Pat Kelly
- Many other mnembers and friends of B.S.F.S. have helped
and contributed in many ways to the success of this convention.
It was thought that rather than list some names and (perhaps
inadvertently) omit others who had contributed nearly as much,
it was preferable to extend our thanks and appreciation to all
the people who have contributed their aid and support to the
- Compton Crook Award Committee:
- Mark Owings, Chair
- Betty Bowers
- Michaeline Llewelyn
- Jul Owings
- David Shea
- Balticon 18 Program Book:
- NOTABLE INCIDENTS: Hal Haag and son Evan discover Balticon while
sight-seeing thru the Inner Harbor. They spy a lovely young femme-fan dressed only
in a chain-mail bikini (and a smile). They never saw her again that year, but Hal
was hooked and has not missed a Balticon since then.
- Balticon 18 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you
have any information concerning
this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to
"webmeister at bsfs dot org" and look
for it to be published here!!