DATES: April 9 - 11, 1993
VENUE: Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD | Program Book Cover | | Badge Design |
 |  | |  |
- GoH:
Allen Steele
- ART GoH:
Don Maitz
- FILK GoH: Leslie Fish
Carol Severance
- CHAIR: Jeff Olhoeft
- Con Chair Groupie: Sala D
- VICE CHAIR: Betty Bowers
Holly Lisle
Fire in the Mist
- Balticon 27 Committee and Staff:
- Treasurer: Shirley Avery
- Secretary: Thomas McMullan
- Dealer's Room: Larry Sands
- Hotel Liaison: Phyllis Kramer
- Registration:
- Lee Anne Dinkin
- Rosemary McMunn
- Brian Alexander
- Computer Consultant: Richard Butler, TETech
- Souvenir Book:
Hal Haag
- Publicity: Thomas McMullan
- Operations:
- Day: Brian Alexander
- Night Ops: Mark Schleifer
- Chief Medical Officer: Donald Horvath
- Crew: USS Thor, Starfleet NCC-2549
- Logistics: Colette Fozard, Thomas Horman
- Green Room: Perrianne Lurie
- Con Suite: Mark Drexler
- Art Show:
- Martin Deutsch
- B. Shirley Avery
- Barry Zeiger
- the Wandering East Coast Art Show Crew
- Art Auctioneers: Tom Schaad, Mike Zipser
- Filking: Lindy Sears, Spencer Love
- Masquerade: Marty Gear, Bobby Gear
- Technical Director: Carl Zwanzig & a Cast of Tens
- Hall Costume Awards:
Hal Haag
- Information Desk: Sue Wheeler, Jack Frost
- Guest Liaison: Betty Bowers
- Program Coordinator:
- Jul Owings
- Mark Owings
- Brian Alexander
- Sue Wheeler
- Science Track: Dale Arnold
- Literary Track: Jul Owings
- Art Track: Joe Mayhew
- Costuming Track: Marty Gear, Bobby Gear
- Filk Track: Lindy Sears, Spencer Love
- Writer's Workshop: Steve Lubs
- Compton Crook Committee: Mark Owings, & many others
- Young Adult Writer's Contest: Sue Wheeler
- Gaming Czar:
Hal Haag
- Role-Playing Gaming: Mark Geary
- Computer Gaming: Chris (CZ) Zach
- Live Action Role Playing: HOPSFA
- Video Program: Dale Arnold
- Film Program: Mark Owings
- Balticon 27 Program Book:
- Balticon 27 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you
have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see
included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and
look for it to be published here!!
