BSFS, Inc.
Balticon 58
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DATE: May 24-27, 2024

In-Person and Virtual

Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel, Baltimore MD
Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel MD

Balticon 58 Program Book:
Balticon  58 BSFan
      Read the Balticon 58 Program with Program Participants (one long pdf)

      Read the Balticon 58 Rocket Mail Friday Edition at Con Updates and News

      Read the Balticon 58 Rocket Mail Saturday Edition at Con Updates and News

      Read the Balticon 58 Rocket Mail Sunday Edition at Con Updates and News

      Read the Balticon 58 Rocket Mail Monday Edition at Con Updates and News

  • GoH: L.E. Modesitt, Jr.
  • Editor GoH: Sheila Williams
  • Artist GoH: Omar Rayyan
  • Music GoH: Rhiannon Lark
  • 2023 Compton Crook Award Winner: Alex Jennings
  • 2024 Compton Crook Award Winner: Kemi Ashing-Giwa
  • 2024 Heinlein Award Winner: Tom Doherty

  • Balticon 58 Committee & Staff:

    • Chair : Sam Lubell
    • Vice Chair : Allison Brown
    • Balticon Treasurer : Steven Joel Zeve
    • Balticon Secretary : Patti Kinlock
    • Hotel Liaison : Dale Arnold
    • Hotel Liaison Staff : Art Blumberg : Aurora Pierce
    • BSFS Treasurer : Maria Thompson


      Balticon Webmaster : Nate Hoffelder
      Web Team : Marilyn Mix, Marv Zelkowitz
      Publicity and Social Media Coordinator : Megan Allen-Kingsland
      Publicity Committee : Morgan Hazelwood, Megan Allen-Kingsland, Yakira Heistand, Patti Kinlock, Sako Tumi
      Print Publications : Patti Kinlock, Nora Echeverria
      BSFAN Editor/Advertising : Patti Kinlock
      Publications Assistant : Carol Adams
      Balticon Badges : Nora Echeverria
      T-Shirt Design : Nora Echeverria
      Post cards, Fliers, Business Cards : Patti Kinlock, Nora Echeverria
      Signage : Lydia Jackson-Fryer

      Pocket Program Program Staff

      Program Grid : Syd Weinstein, Program Staff
      Rocket Mail Editor : Brian Groover
      Promo Loop : Eric "Dr. Gandalf" Fleischer


      Registration Coordinator : Megan Allen-Kingsland
      Registration Staff : Sarah Kilkowski, Greg Seidman, Brian Kilkowski
      Volunteer Coordinator : Bruce Kaplan
      Accessibility Desk Coordinator : Jamie Peddicord
      Accessibility Desk Assistant Coordinator : Ellen Montgomery
      Berserker Lair : Paul O'Neil
      Information Desk Coordinator : Abdul Hadi Sidahmed
      Balticon Information Team (pre-con) : Patti Kinlock, Dale Arnold
      Ops/Community Safety : Abdul Hadi Sidahmed
      Logistics Coordinator : Robert Summers
      Purchasing : Maria Thompson
      Truck Driver : Gene Olmstead
      Logistics: Building Storage & Organization : Eric Gasior


      Director : Robert Markowitz
      Assistant Tech Director : Liana Olear
      Godfather of Tech Marty Gear
      Build Captain : Larry Schroeder
      IT Coordinator : Sam Kopel
      Master Electrician : Leilani Macomber
      Lighting Designer : Matt Klein
      Sound Designer : Eric Honour
      Video Designers : Eric "Dr. Gandalf" Fleischer, Jeff Poretsky
      Program AV Head : Rick Kovalcik
      Head Rigger : Jennifer Logsdon
      Tech Truck Driver : Martin Siemen
      Tech Truck Crew : Rory Pierce
      Science Program Tech : Paul Loeschke, Lauretta Nagel
      Post Con Video Wrangler : Eric "Dr Gandalf" Fleischer
      Tech Staff Techno-Fandom and a cast of thousands.


      GOH Liaison Lead : Debi Chowdhury
      GOH Liaison Staff : Emily Lewis, William Lawhorn, Elyzabeth Morgan, Lynn Duff, Paul O'Neil, John McWilliams

      BB4K Charity Auction Coordinator : Kelly Shannon Pierce
      Assistant Coordinator : Jim Wilmering
      Auctioneer : Eric "Dr. Gandalf" Fleischer
      Masquerade Director : Karen Purcell
      Masquerade Staff : Abigail Welsher
      Masquerade Green Room Manager : Abigail Welsher
      Den Parents : Michelle Weinstein, Stephen Bartosz
      Master of Ceremonies : Carl Cipra
      Presentation Judge : Jennifer Predmore
      Workmanship Judge : Allison Carswell
      Masquerade Photography Official Balticon Photography Staff
      Fan Photography Wrangler : James Welsher
      Film Festival : Lance Oszko, Allison Brown
      Concerts : Gary Ehrlich, Emily Lewis
      Writers' Workshop : David Keener
      Poetry Workshop : Miguel Mitchell, PhD
      Opening Ceremonies MoC : Mark L. Van Name


      Hospitality/Con-suite Chair : Denise Cutair
      Hospitality/Con-suite Vice-Chair : Janet Beane
      Program Participants' Green Room : Anne Marie Rudolph
      Art Show Director : Nora Echeverria
      Art Show Co-Director : Anna Scott
      Art Show Assistants : Susan Wheeler, Paul Brinkley
      Art Show Staff : Brad Ackerman, Joni Dashoff, John McWilliams, Dustin Mogavero, Eric "hymie!" Hymowitz, Tristan Alexander, Kayla Tamondong
      Art Show Auctioneer : Eric "Dr. Gandalf" Fleischer
      Dealers Room Coordinator : Kelly Shannon Pierce
      Dealers At-Con Coordinator : Janet Sherman
      Dealers Room Staff (Loading Dock) : Jim Wilmering, Ty McNear, Jennifer Portas, Athena Portas
      Video Room : Thomas "the Red" Horman
      Anime Room : Leona Thompson
      Gaming (Hal Haag Game Room) Coordinators : Michelle Hymowitz, Eric "hymie!" Hymowitz
      Game Room Staff : Perrianne Lurie
      Role Playing Games (RPG) Coordinator : Josh "Yoshi" Perkoff
      Video Gaming Room Coordinator : Josh "Yoshi" Perkoff
      Artist Alley Coordinator : Anna Scott
      Fan Tables Coordinator : Cathy Green
      BSFS Fan Table Coordinator : Maria Thompson
      Party Coordinator : Cathy Green
      Sales Table Coordinator : Patti Kinlock
      Sales Table Staff : Carol Reynolds, Amy Kaplan
      Hall Costume Awards : Patti Kinlock
      Hall Costume Judges : Debi Chowdhury, Marilyn Mix
      Restaurants/Parking Discounts : Miriam Winder-Kelly
      Filk Lounge : JT Thomas


      Programming Coordinator : Yakira Heistand
      Assistant Coordinator : Sam Lubell
      Konopas (Mobile Program App) : Gwyn Fireman
      Diversity and Inclusion Advisory : Sydney Fryer, Jayrod Garrett
      Zambia (Program Database) : Syd Weinstein
      Program Ops : Yakira Heistand, Sydney Fryer
      Brainstorming Committee : Yakira Heistand, Perrianne Lurie, Miguel Mitchell, Neil Ottenstein, Sydney Fryer,
      Josh "Yoshi" Perkowitz, Sara Itka, David Keener

      Program Track Leads*

      Anime : Leona Thompson
      Children's : Eta Hack, Ben Allen-Kingsland
      Costuming/Makers : Sydney Fryer, Yakira Heistand
      Music/Filk : Gary Ehrlich, Emily Lewis
      Content Creators : Morgan Hazelwood
      Science : Miriam Winder-Kelly
      Science Assistants : Bex Loeschke, John Monahan, Celia Greenberg, Ron Taylor, Chris Oakley --Room Managers Paul Loeschke, Lauretta Nagel
      Video : Thomas "the Red" Horman
      *All other tracks led by Yakira Heistand with input from other programming staff.


      Discord Coordinator : Kristen Seibert


      Compton Crook Award Committee : Bruce Kaplan, Nora Echeverria
      Compton Crook Award Judges : The Members of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society
      Jack L. Chalker Young Writers' Contest Coordinator : Miriam Winder-Kelly
      JLC YW Contest 1st Round Judges : Miriam Winder Kelly, Zabeth Gallagher, Amy Kaplan, Beth Mizuno, Geary Mizuno, Marv Zelkowitz
      JLC YW Contest 2nd Round Judges : Paul O'Neil, Perrianne Lurie
      Poetry Contest Coordinator : Patti Kinlock
      Poetry First Round Reviewers : Heather Flaherty, Jacob Took
      Poetry Contest Judges Vonnie Winslow Crist, Wendy Van Camp
      Amateur Writing Contest Coordinator : Allison Brown
      Amateur Writing Contest Judges : Perrianne Lurie, Sam Lubell, Dale Arnold, Yakira Heistand, Ann Marie Rudolph, Miguel Mitchell, PhD
      Robert A. Heinlein Award Coordinator : Dale Arnold
      Heinlein Award Judges The Heinlein Award Committee


      BSFS Computer Admins : Michael Rafferty, Nora Echeverria
      Grants and Fundraising : Maria Markham Thompson, CPA, Steven Joel Zeve
      Visit Baltimore! Liaison Peter Eirich


      BSFS Board of Directors:

      President : Dale Arnold
      Parliamentarian : John R. Robison
      Board Chair / Corresponding Secretary : Patti Kinlock
      Recording Secretary : Michael Rafferty
      Treasurer : Maria Markham Thompson
      Assistant [Balticon] Treasurer : Steven Joel Zeve
      Publicity Coordinator : Megan Allen-Kingsland
      Director-at-Large : Eric "Dr. Gandalf" Fleischer
      Director-at-Large : Robert Markowitz
      Director-at-Large : Rory Pierce
      Director-at-Large : Leona Thompson
      Balticon Chair : Sam Lubell
      Balticon Vice-Chair : Allison Brown

  • Balticon 58 Ancecdotes and stuff: If you have any information concerning this convention that you would like to see included here, please send it to "webmeister at bsfs dot org" and look for it to be published here!!
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"Balticon" is a service mark of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Inc.