Photography by Heather Haynes

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Read the Stories by Jack L. Chalker Young Writers' Contest Winners

a. Contestants shall be no younger than 14 and no older than 18 years of age as of May 29 in the contest year and shall reside in, or attend school in Maryland.

b. Winners will be required to provide their proof of age.

a. Submissions must be in the field of science fiction or fantasy.

b. Submissions shall be no more than 2,500 words in length.

c. All submissions should include a title page with the title of the story, the entrant's name or note Home schooled, home address, evening phone number, and e-mail address if possible. Also, please include your English teacher's name.

d. Paper submissions must have numbered pages - all submissions must have a footer with the title and page number. They should not have the entrants name or other identifying information on the individual pages. Paper submissions should be typed or printed, double-spaced, on 8.5 x 11" paper.

e. Electronic submissions must be sent as an attachment to email in either Microsoft Word, PDF or Wordperfect format. Otherwise they must be printed out and submitted on paper.

f. One contestant may submit multiple entries, but only one prize may be won by any one entrant.

a. Judges shall be drawn from the membership of BSFS, Inc.

b. The winners will be contacted before the convention and their names will be announced to the public at the next Balticon on Memorial Day Weekend just before the Masquerade at 8:30 PM. Winners need not be present to receive their prizes.

c. The submissions ranked first, second and third shall receive cash prizes of $150, $100 and $50, respectively. The three winners shall also receive complimentary registrations for Balticon for themselves and their parents or one guest each. They will also receive a free Balticon T-Shirt.

d. The deadline for all submissions is March 31, in any given contest year.

e. Paper submissions should be addressed to:

Jack L. Chalker Young Writers' Contest
BSFS, Inc.
PO Box 686
Baltimore, MD 21203-0686

f. Electronic submissions should be addressed to: "ywc at balticon dot org"

g. All submissions become the property of Baltimore Science Fiction Society Inc. (BSFS, Inc.), and may be published in Society publications.

For additional information send e-mail to: ywc at balticon dot org

Print your own paper flyer here.

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non-profit organization.
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Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Inc.
PO Box 686
Baltimore, MD 21203-0686
Phone: (410) JOE-BSFS (563-2737)
webmeister at bsfs dot org