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Enter the Steve Miller BSFS Annual Poetry Contest


The Baltimore Science Fiction Society has officially renamed the contest in honor of the late SF author Steve Miller, who died in February 2024.
  • Annual Deadline: March 1. Entries may be submitted via the Google form link below*, e-mailed to poetry at bsfs dot org, or mailed to "BSFS Poetry Contest," c/o BSFS, PO Box 686, Baltimore, MD 21203-0686. Mailed entries must be postmarked, and e-mailed entries received, by March 1. Please include your name, address, phone & e-mail address and a brief bio with your entry. Info: poetry at bsfs dot org. If submitting by mail or email, please note if you are age 18 or under.

  • PLEASE NOTE: The contest will close from March 2-May 31. Entries may be submitted again starting June 1.

  • Entries should address the themes of science fiction/fantasy/horror/science.

  • Limit: 2 poems/person, maximum 60 lines each. No entry fee. Please no previously published submissions.

  • By submitting, entrants certify that their poems are their own original work and are not AI-generated.

  • 1st prize: $100; 2nd prize: $75; 3rd prize: $50.

  • Winners will receive a cash prize, convention membership, and be invited to read their winning entries at Balticon. Attendance at Balticon is not required to win.

  • Winning poems will be published one time in the BSFAN, the Balticon convention souvenir book. In addition, a pdf version of the winning poems as they appear in the BSFAN will be available on the Balticon Poetry Contest website. Writers retain all rights to their work. By submitting to the contest, entrants agree to these terms.

  • While we would like to respond to each entrant personally, it is not always possible due to the large number of submissions we receive. Please check the Poetry Contest website periodically for updates and announcement of the winners.

*Link to the BSFS Poetry Contest Submission Form. Click this link or cut and paste...

(and/or) Join the Poetry Workshop at the Convention!
The Balticon Poetry Workshop explores the arena of verse from inspiration and writing to small press publishing and submitting for publication. Join us immediately afterward for the annual poetry contest award winners' reading and open mic. Check the Balticon pocket program for time and location. Preregistration is not required. For more information, email poetry at bsfs dot org.

In 2024 the contest was renamed the Steve Miller BSFS Annual Poetry Contest to acknowledge the service of Steve to BSFS and his dedication to science fiction poetry. More information about Steve Miller and Sharon Lee and their work can be found at:

Poetry Workshop Pic 1 Poetry Workshop Pic 2

BSFS Poetry Contest Winners (Click the year to read winners)

1st "Home for Old Robots" by Mary Soon Lee, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
2nd “Voyages Through the Cosmic Tapestry” by Declan Krieger, Pittsford, NY, USA
3rd “Whispers Between Worlds: A Dialogue with the Ancient” by Badal Paul, Raiganj, Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, India
Honorable Mention “Kahu” by A.C. Anderson, Farmington, MN, USA
Honorable Mention "Columbia: The Final Mission” by MK Scott, Noblesville, IN, USA
Youth Award "What the People Who Find Time Capsules Keep” by Hannah Ahn, Ellicott City, MD, USA

1st "Tell the Bees" by Ryan E. Holman, Kensington, MD, USA
2nd “Call from Alleghania” by Alyssa Granato, Sicklerville, NJ, USA
3rd “Birds” by KG Graham, Woodbridge, VA, USA
Honorable Mention “Watching the ISS Pass By” by Stephen A. Chmelewski, Portugal
Honorable Mention “The Watchers” by Søren Evans-Reese, Providence, RI, USA

1st “The Hurricane” by Sharon Rockman, Melbourne Victoria, Australia
2nd “The Unborn and the Dead” by Lorraine Schein, Sunnyside NY, USA
3rd “Creation” by Rachel Basha Friedman, North Hollywood CA, USA
Special Young Writer’s Award “Miss Moore’s Wallpaper” by Allison Xu, Rockville MD, USA
Honorable Mention “Heel to Toe” by Marisca Pichette, Deerfield MA, USA
Honorable Mention “Columbine” by Vanessa Jae, Germany

1st "It is a Father's Tale" by Eric Nicholson
2nd "Memories of a Mermaid" by Natascha Graham
3rd "Cygnus” by Ryan E. Holman
Honorable Mention "Milicent Patrick Speaks of Monsters" by Laura Shovan
Honorable Mention "The Catty Hours" by Adele Gardner

1st "Wake" by Liz Hufford
2nd "Deeps of Time and Innumerable Stars" by Preston Stone
3rd "Light Voyager" by Adele Gardner
Special Young Writers Award "Lilith" by Quinn Brown
Honorable Mention "Valkyrie Before Rain" by Megan M. Yu
Honorable Mention "Good Night" by John Grey

"Better Living Through Witchcraft" by Oliver Smith
"Loving a Spaceman" by R. Jean Bell
"The First Five Links of Marley?s Chain" by James Edward O?Brien
"Homecoming" by Grace Sonnabend
"A Cupful of Stars" by Elena Sichrovsky

"First Message" by Tim J . Myers
"The Sand Witch" by Colleen Anderson
"Laika, Muttnik " by Marge Simon
"The Legend of the Bubaki" by Pamela R . Anderson
"The Elegy I Should I Have Written" by Me'Shelle Fae

"Freckles" by Kaitlyn Graham
"Date Night With the Astronomer" by Lev Mirov
"Song of a Changeling" by Adele Gardner
"Gorgoncology" by Jennifer Moore
"Man on a Spaceship" by Cathy Bryant

"Quitting Spell" by Shannon C. Ward
"Putting Out the Stars" by Cathy Bryant
"Pearl" by Ryan E. Holman
"Calling All Heroes" by Kaitlyn Graham
"Scales of Glory" by A. L. Kaplan
"Comatose" by Mara Buck

"Songs of the Starcleaners" by Cathy Bryant
"This One's for the History Books" by Catherine Poslusny
"Full Moon" by Adam Phillips
"Midnight Dance" by A. L. Kaplan, Honorable Mention
"The Dog Birds" by Marge Simon, Honorable Mention

"The Detour" by Darrell Lindsey
"Ode to Mars" by Janet Butler
"Ritual at Water's Edge" by Jennifer Ruth Jackson
"Postcards from the Moon" by Kaitlyn Graham, Special Young Writers Poetry Award

"The Music of the Stars" by Bruce Boston
"Drenched in Light" by Kadie Bennis
"The Lottery, Revisited" by Marge Simon

"Night Flight to Venus" by Jennifer Moore
"Futurity's Shoelaces" by Marge Simon
"Longing" by AC Leming

"Stardust" by Kat Kohler
"Talking to Owl" by Caitlin Walsh
"The Human Guest" by Marge Simon
"The Night World" by Laura Johnson

"The Veracity of Imagination" by Bruce Boston
"Page-cats" by P.S. Cottier
"A Dragon in Winter" by Judith Behar

"This Is What You Must Do" by Kirsty Logan
"Aurora Aland" by Tabitha Benedict
"Orbit" by Pat Tompkins

"Wind Up" by Patricia Budd
"I Love You for Your Brains, Not Your Looks" (Zombie Love Song) by Diana Chien
"Sekhmet Upon the Horizon" by Christa A. Bergerson

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